I want to return a notebook I bought 10 days ago, how can I reset it to FreeDOS?


So I bought a notebook online, on the FreeDos was pre-installed so no Windows. Then W10 installed on it to test this. Because the keyboard and the sound do not meet my expectations, I would like to send it back.

But in the terms and conditions is that the software must be on it, which was on it when it was delivered.

So how can I uninstall W10 so that only FreeDos on the PC is?


Well you have to install freeDOS.

This is overwritten by Windows.


You can return everything within 14 days. In court, you would get right.


Format the hard disk and then re-install FreeDos.



They have to refurbish that


If I did not do it, that's her problem.


Yes, that's true. Somehow I completely skipped the 10 days.


Ok, then I just install the W10 iso trial. I have to delete my data a bit.


What do they do with the laptop to sell it as a showpiece?


Can be, then probably find him on eBay xD


The goes back to Notebookbilliger.


Joa. Maybe go to the manufacturer, no idea how that act, but is a serious company, they already know what to do… So do not worry. Send him back. If the questions you bought for grandma did not please and jut is.


Many traders simply sell it in bulk to any in Poland or the Czech Republic and then it is no longer their problem


In addition: the return refers only to "online", although there are also restrictions.

Or did I misunderstand your "giving everything back"?


Do not be rude and it's just a well-intentioned tip to re-use pirated copies on other PCs or laptops will not help anyone. And transferring the Win10 installation from the PC to the Lappi does not help either.

You should read the EULA of Ms



Yes, you can return everything (if it was bought online or the dealer offers it voluntarily). But if you have used it (and not just looked at how it would be possible in the shop), a loss in value or costs for the re-repair may be required. So here's a cost for reinstalling the operating system. There comes fast one hour work together so fast 40-60 euro even without rip-off.

Usually there's the possibility at booting to initiate a "repair" of the operating system. A look in the supplied manuals should be enough. If no manuals have been supplied, this is a defect of the product, which can be corrected by subsequent delivery of the manuals or reconversion of the purchase. And then, by the way, only depreciation clauses will apply to the time of use, not to what's installed!


Exactly. And the costs may be charged.


How did you know it was a pirated copy?


However, you only have to pay for the replacement of value if the loss of value comes from a handling that goes beyond checking the nature, properties and functions of the product, it is in the law.

I would say install the windows, suitable drivers, programs and the like is quite necessary to check the functions of the product, because freeDOS can't do it all.


In the shop, you can also use the PCs most of the time, the stands there are indeed turned on and turned on usually with any programs installed.


Wrong, the computer was advertised with FreeDOS, so it should be used for things that fit. You can't even walk into the Media Markt and just play one of their exhibits again to test whether the new game runs better.

According to the Civil Code, §312e, the consumer has to pay compensation for the use of goods, "in so far as he has used the goods in a way that goes beyond the examination of the properties and functioning." Turn on the computer, run the performance test etc. Everything is OK. But reinstalling, is significantly more. It would have the suitability halt by plugging in an external hard drive can check.


But you can't run a full performance test. FreeDOS Does not support some features of the hardware.


Then the device is just not suitable. It is sold once with FreeDOS. What does not work, it is not suitable for it.

But I would do a performance test anyway with a Linux live CD / stick or external disk. So where is the problem, not to change the calculator?


And what if the device is sold without operating system?

I already think that installing programs (an operating system is a program) to test it belongs.