On my laptop, the CPU fan spins at 1900 revolutions per minute (RPM) and the graphics card fan at 2000 RPM… Is that fast enough for surfing?
Is an MSI laptop
You can't say that because it depends on the size of the fan, the turnover of the fan, the structure of the heat sinks, etc.
Better to look at the temperatures of the CPU and GPU. If they fit, it fits.
I'm currently watching e.g. A YouTube video and it says CPU 54 ° and GPU 52 ° …
No, fun… How should we interpret that?
In the optimal case, it rotates appropriately quickly according to the temperature.
The hardware will probably not last long at 2 rpm.
And 50 degrees are not bad for a laptop. Is so low to provide a quiet backdrop. You don't want a jet.
There are even 0-RPM modes for some hardware. Although this is more common in the stand PC
Most of the time, this happens when the system is idling… Because the cooling is normally needed under system load.