Brand new MSI laptop airs very loud, only a FAN runs + 80 degrees?


In front of me I have a new MSI laptop of the GV series. The CPU is, without running programs, at about 60-80 degrees. In the "Dragon Center" I can see on the right also "Fan1" and "Fan2" I guess that there are two Lüfer. The icons next to it show that, too. Fan1 is always at 2800 - 3500 RPM, while Fan2 is at 0 90% of the time. But sometimes both are at 3000 RPM. How can that be?

Brand new MSI laptop airs very loud, only a FAN runs 80 degrees

Moin TommyWeb,

So if your CPU is already running at 19% on idle, then something can't be right.
I would go to the Task Manager and see if there's something in the HG makes radau example. Any supplied Bloadware.

Otherwise, if the laptop is brand new, I would consider him to exchange for the same model before rumrätselt now what that can be.
It can sometimes be missing on such a device, the cooling paste, then it would be no wonder that turns off so.


Yes, that's why you should not buy laptops and if then you save your money and even if the laptop is heavier, he will do a better job than what you have now because it probably has a better cooling and is quieter.


There was a fan speed setting in the Dragon Center. So everything has turned out.