How do I find advertisements and models from TV Spot of Sport 1?


Some time ago a sports spot sometimes ran on TV at Sport 1 where a woman in a red dress from a red sports car sits down at a table in the café. She flirts with another guest and thinks that she responds to her advances. When he gets up from the table, however, he does not go to the lady but to another table and watches football with another man on a notebook. The woman angrily climbs back into her sports car.

Who knows where I find this commercial or who the lady is or what her background is? She looks Mediterranean…

Thanks for everyone who knows! You all a good Sunday.


I do not know where you find the commercial, but I hope you find it. In the spots are often small below logos from the advertising agency displayed the spot has turned. About the advertising agency you could ask for more about the origin of the model - the chance is low, but the only thing that comes to mind.