Why do all devices in the WLAN get the same dubious advertising illegal casino / advertising for programs that obviously have a virus?


All devices in the WLAN simply get the same extremely dubious and strange advertising for example YouTube videos? How can that be, there are also different Google Accounts so it can actually not be that it is due to the browser activity. The advertisements are mostly illegal casino advertisements or advertisements for example Piggy Coupons which is an adware as it is on the Internet. I have already reset my laptop and cell phone to factory settings. When it still didn't go away, I obviously did the same with the WLAN router and used a different password. All without success. How is that possible?


The company will create a digital fingerprint on the server side or simply use your IP to show you advertising, especially for you.


The advertising for the videos comes from YouTube itself and has nothing to do with your network. I guess, based on your IP address, the same advertising will land on all devices. I can't tell you why this is so strange advertising, but I can get it on YT.


But it also came on my mother's devices and I didn't google anything or anything


Do all devices in the WLAN then automatically have the same IP?


Because your network has an IP and consequently all the devices in your network have the same IP.


As far as I know, this is only possible if it was either an extremely "rare" coincidence or a "virus" is stored in your router, but I have never heard of it… Since advertising from the router is very likely. In addition, the company could send you advertising via your Ip… But whether that allows your router firewall or what you have?

Could it be that you were on certain websites with all devices? And is it definitely the same advertisement?


Your network itself has an IP, or the router. He receives this from the provider


Ahh ok 👌. So is it not possible that anyone has control over the network? After I have spoken to the router and also my cell phone and laptop?


No, that is not a sign of a compromised network ^^


If you mean this stupid 78 Avalon Casino advertisement, I get it, over LAN.

Google is currently advertising on YouTube that is currently there. And if, by chance, only casino advertising is currently running, only casino advertising will come.


No you haven't, because your router makes its own internal network and assigns ip's like 168.192.xx.xx but which is all individual for each device, but your router is connected to the internet by some connection, and this also has an ip, which must clearly be your router) comes from your provider, i.e. Provider (Swisscom, Telekom etc.) (if nothing is in between you)


There's not always this advertisement, so there are normal advertisements, but this one comes sometimes, and it has come on every device.
I actually reset the router to factory settings and made new passwords. Can it still be that there's a virus?
It can't be a coincidence because the devices are used by different people and were not on strange sides


Yes, exactly, avolon 78 but why does it come on all devices




Ok, do you have any idea where it could be?


You probably mean 192.168.x.x because it is a private network.


So if you want to make sure that it is because of your router, then connect to the Wan network! Yes Wan, not lan or wlan but wan, that is the cable that goes into your router and does not lead to any end device. Most of the time it goes straight back to any wall in the basement, to a box, or directly to the distribution boxes


Oh ups 🙃 😅 yes I said


Ok, and if there's still advertising, it is not the router or how?


I just guess what they have for YouTube on YouTube. I always wonder why I get advertising for some strange mobile games ^^


Take a look at TV, every TV comes with it, and the same advertising ;-) Google is flexible and adapts, but it's not like millions of different advertising clips for YouTube are at the start.


Yes, for sure, since you still have your connection BEFORE the router, so no data is sent via the router


Somehow the cable doesn't fit anywhere in my laptop


What kind of cable is that? (Please illustrated…)