What should I buy more, what is more worthwhile?


Hey guys ^^ I can't decide between a notebook and an e scooter. What should I buy sooner? For one, the notebook brings me many advantages for the school, I do not need to take n fat folder every time my documents are stored on it and I can write down everything on the class so we can use it in class and the e scooter could replace my bike, me I would not have to take the bus anymore, it drives automatically and I can go wherever I want, especially to school. What is more worthwhile?


Such a comparison is already difficult. However, I would tend to the notebook. You have more of that.
An e-scooter can't replace a bicycle / bus.



You are young and healthy, so why give that little movement on the bike for such a Schrotto?

And no one can steal the bus or - very popular - down the slope / throw in the creek / river / pond.


Honestly? At Media Markt is an e scooter that creates 25km / h


Funny comparison. You do not have to carry a thick folder around with you either way. In general, I can't really understand the reasoning. I can't imagine that you can really type anything on a laptop every hour. I would find it very annoying in the classroom, if someone would make it non-stop.

At any rate, I find binders more practical, for example, these cardboard folders from Herlitz. At that time I always created new folders for every school year. Plus, you can just leave the staplers you do not need at home. With a folder, you would always carry something with you, which you do not need at all. Depending on how much you have to file, then that may eventually go into the weight. Furthermore, individual staplers are also significantly more space-saving. And in a folder, I would not just want to flip around all the time to land at the subject that is at stake. If you break such a folder, you can also umbraften a lot.

Therefore, I find folders generally impractical, regardless of whether you may use a laptop at school or not. I also could not really learn if I only have everything on a laptop. The constant switching between different documents would annoy me too.

As far as the e-scooter is concerned, it really depends on whether you really need it. If your paths were so far well accessible by bike and bus, I would not buy an e-scooter. You can always use a laptop, I personally find more useful. And if laptops are actually allowed at school all the time, you have another point that speaks for a laptop.




He still can't replace a bicycle or bus. Alone because of the range