Windows compatible with Apple products?


Personally, I'm a fan of Apple products in the field of cell phones, headphones and smart watches. For laptops and computers I find the products based on Windows better.

Well, I need a computer and in my opinion there wasn't / isn't much good in that area at Apple. That's why I would like to continue using my I Phone + Smart Watch but have a Windows computer. But since I'm not interested in having everything twice, i.e. Two clouds, etc. Now my question is how far an I phone is compatible with a Windows computer. Now I had read that you can also back up I Phone data with Google Drive, or that you can also connect an I Phone to a Windows laptop or computer without any problems. Is that true and to what extent are the products compatible with one another? Are there still certain functions that don't work, or would you advise against using Apple and Windows products at the same time?


Just as a hint, it is the Apple products that limit the compatibility with other systems, not the other way around.


Thanks for the hint.


I'm an Apple fan and use a MacBook and Windows PCs too.

I don't see any restrictions.

I would only recommend iTunes for backup. This also works on Windows.

to use more data, I would export the data…


Thanks for your answer.


There's a for Windows. Alternatively, you can also access your iCloud storage via the web.

You have to see to what extent other cloud providers are integrated into iOS. Sync clients for Windows are often available from other providers.

ITunes for Windows is also available for wired transmission.

You could also share a folder through Windows and access it through iOS. Windows uses the SMB protocol for this, which the iOS files app supports (connect to the server). So you could exchange files directly.

Of course, you can't use AirDrop and the other Apple functions that only run between iPhone and Mac.

In practice, data is rarely exchanged between a PC and smartphone. For the occasions, data exchange is possible, even if it would be easier between a MacBook.

For communication between my MacBook, Windows PC and Android smartphone, I like to use KDE Connect, e.g. To exchange files or to synchronize the clipboard. However, is not supported.

A smartwatch has little to do with a PC. The only application I have discovered so far is as a remote control for e.g. A PowerPoint presentation. For example, it would be possible with an app on Samsung Smartwatches.

If this feature is also available on an Apple Watch, Apple could more likely be the problem. When implemented on the Samsung Smartwatch, it latches in as a Bluetooth keyboard so that every device (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, …) should be supported.


Thank you very much for your answer, it helped me a lot. You wrote (in your 5th paragraph):

You could also share a folder through Windows and access it through iOS.

Do you know how something like this works? Or do you know websites / videos on YouTube that explain this. Unfortunately, I don't know my way around very well, but I would like to know how it works.


What is supposed to be incompatible with what? And why two clouds? You can also access the iCloud from WinDOS.


Wylde's profile picture xD.

Well it could be that you couldn't connect an I Phone to a Windows device. Because the two operating systems are very different. But the question was answered before thanks to another user.

Because of the clouds, I didn't know whether you could also access an iCloud from Google Drive. But apparently this works.

Sp a guide. Instead of "Everyone", you can only allow your Windows user access to it.

For the external connection you still need the IP address of your PC. There goes e.g. Via the settings under network or via "ipconfig" in cmd. A search will help. instructions for connecting under iOS. Under "Server" you enter your IP address from the PC. Connecting as a guest shouldn't be possible. Enter your Windows username and password for the user data.

You should now be able to access the folder. Depending on the approval, you can also write there.

If there are problems with the files app, you can also use another SMB (Samba) app.




No, it doesn't work. But you can access the iCloud from any browser. Independent of the BS.