Confirmation Gaming PC Yes or No?

- in Gaming

I would be happy if you read the whole text! Hey I'm 15 years old and will have confirmation soon. I wish, or rather said, have been dreaming of a gaming PC for about 2 years and am considering the money to buy one. The PC costs around 1300 euro and is quite expensive if you think that there's still a monitor, chair, table etc. Missing is at least 1800 euro. My parents think my decision about what I want to do with the money is okay and say that if I find it right, it will be right.

However, I'm not sure whether this is a good decision because it is a lot of money and I have never had a PC or laptop before and would only be a casual gamer (so 2 hours in the evening 4-5 times a week) I'm soon in the phase where I have to do a lot for school because I want to do my Abitur (I'm 98th grade). It is really a topic that concerns me a lot because I'm very insecure and do not want to make any wrong decisions.

Should I make my dream come true or maybe change a cheaper PC for around 1000 euro, or should I reject it and save the money. Please give me good advice and have a nice day!


That is difficult had a similar situation. But I did it and I didn't really regret it. I would just be interested in why it has to be 1300 or 1000 euro, where do you order the PC?


I would order the PC from Dubaro, they assemble the PC ready


Ok, then no wonder that it is so expensive, I built my PC myself. I can only advise you.


I once calculated it on the miser and there are only 100 euro extra which is still okay.


Well depends on the parts, personally I would not mess around in the PC. The experience of building your own PC is simply priceless. Both systems 1300 and 1000 euro should contain a ne 2070 super and a ryzen 5 3600


There's both a 500GB SSD and a 1TB HDD and a good power supply and CPU cooler both from be quiet


Then it's good. And as long as you have friends who gamble with you, this should not be a bad investment. Although you could spend less depending on the game, for example 800 euro and then upgrade as needed if necessary


I have never built a PC and I don't have much of a clue, I would rather pay a little more than that it doesn't work in the end, and there's also a 2-year guarantee


Okay, what kind of configuration would be good at 800 euro?


What you can't do, you can learn. It wasn't any different with me. You have a guarantee on every other part too. It is usually 3 years for power supplies and 7 years for seasonic ones. Apart from that, I have already assembled a lot of people's PCs and has always worked so far


Depends on whether dubaro or build yourself


I ask times from well-known people maybe someone knows how to assemble PCs.


Guarantee or warranty?


Although it is not exact and not exactly beautiful, it is purely for performance:

On my own I can also help you with the assembly, as I said, don't do it for the first time.


Okay, the compilation looks very good for the price (except for the case, however, thank you very much) that you made the effort.


No thing, if you want I can also adjust it, if anything else is just in the know


I could also customize your PC so that it is just enough for the games you want to play, just have to know which ones.