What do you think of this idea (aggression therapy)?

- in Gaming

The patient has been on therapy for aggression and internet / gaming addiction for 8 years. He takes medication regularly. The aggression is not against people, but against objects and occurs especially when gaming or when the patient is stressed or dissatisfied with himself. Sometimes he even reacts with self-harm (gives himself a fist or a head on the wall).

The patient has destroyed more than 10 laptops, 30 cell phones, 20 game consoles and a number of pieces of furniture in his room. On average, he buys 1 new cell phone per month because he breaks his cell phone in a rage at the game by the end of the month at the latest. He finances this by simply putting aside the money he gets for food and eating little.

The patient's apartment had to be completely painted 4 times so far and damage to the wall has to be repaired again and again. 2 times broken washing machine, 3 glass tables (now replaced by a wooden table), 2 beds, 3 cupboards and many other pieces of furniture had to be replaced. It is even enough if the patient accidentally strikes the bed post with his leg to provoke a small outburst of anger.

The neighbors had to call the police 3 times because of the shouting or because the apartment crashed at 3 in the morning. In my opinion, the patient has the most patient landlord of all time, but even he has run out of nerves and threatens to quit.

We tried a lot: took away the laptop, increased the dose of medication, cut money, inpatient therapy with a psychiatrist (timeout), suggested another hobby, but it didn't work. Unfortunately, the patient always finds a way to live out his addiction. We would not find this really bad as long as he carries out his work and obligations - which he does very well. But unfortunately it always ends in outbursts of rage and with it he harms not only (financially) himself, but also other people. According to his own statement, the patient is firmly convinced that he is not a game addict and that it is just a hobby - a remedy for boredom.

In the meantime, the patient himself has suggested some possible solutions that could help him with his outbursts of anger. One of these possible solutions is to set up a soundproof room in his apartment with broken furniture and a baseball bat. The method is that every time he gets angry, he goes into the room, picks up the baseball bat and hits the (already broken) furniture and can scream loudly. So he can let out his anger without harming himself financially or disturbing his neighbors.

The patient believes that this is the only really effective solution for him. What do you think about this idea? Is this a good solution in the long run?


That is just the anger on a large scale and can certainly help to control the anger. But I would start with the behavior of the player when playing. Break rituals help a lot. Whenever something goes wrong, take a deep breath, lean back and take a sip of water. That distracts enough for the moment that the anger doesn't build up. In addition, even if no one is watching, comment on the game and thus help the brain to cope with frustration.


Did a pastor try?
Normally one would have to get a grip on psychological problems like this… So without worldly things (pills, violence, games) … Just through Bible study and prayers… At first someone should pray for him so that success can be achieved quickly…
Incidentally, it could well be that "satanic" influences cause these disturbances in his environment… He should avoid these influences as much as possible… Ideally in space… If this is not possible, then occasional prayer or Bible study helps (during breaks… Quietly so that The co-workers will notice… But don't disturb the work processes… So just get the Bible out and then read it quietly in a break area…) … This means that the "Satanist" quickly loses the fun…
the pills harm neurologically… At least in the long run…
the whole thing can also be accompanied by a professional… If necessary, he will also coordinate this with the psychiatry…


This is not a good idea, as long as he is exposed to this technique he will keep getting these outbreaks. Where does the anger come from? Because he is stuck in a game or because of technical problems? When did he start with the devices and why? Everything should go to zero, but if it is an addiction, you should not radically reduce it to zero, but slowly. As with a Messi, garbage is important, the devices are for him. For some reason, he could dive into another world or escape. He needs someone who goes a different way with him, shows him how he can spend his day without it. That there are other things that are fun and ask him why it happened? Like a camping holiday in nature without a cell phone, etc. With conversations and activities. I could well imagine that it helps him and then see how he can go on at home. But don't say, find a hobby, we'll go somewhere today, let's see if you enjoy it.


When is exorcism appropriate here? The signs point to a person infected by a demon or not?


I only know the Protestant approach… They just pray… Without pomp… Without special water… Without wafers…
I don't know how the Catholics would approach it… Maybe the special sanatoriums or something… Can probably work too…
The main thing is that this agonizing bungling finally stops…


Can little exorcism help here before baptism? Perhaps our patient is still incredulous here.


I don't know…
why not just read the Bible and pray together? That should help immediately…
Maybe experiment a little bit… Maybe it will be better if you take a short vacation. For example, now around New Year…