What is better internet therapy or new partner?


I have spoken today with my ex friend and he really knows me completely… He knows my weaknesses and my strengths and he knows where to start with me to solve my problems. When I come back to him, I would treat him as a therapy that I'm only 2 hours a day on the laptop to get my Internet addiction and confirmation of other men under control or to accept myself and get to know me better without the Internet. That sounds very purposeful for me BUT:

There's a man I have not known for so long or he does not know me for a long time. He wants to have a relationship with me. He also knows all about me and accepts me the way I'm.

Now I do not know which direction to go?


First. Going to the internet to tackle internet addiction is more so semiklug.

Secondly. As long as your ex does not happen to have a few humorous degrees, this is not a therapy but a guy who does not know his limits and wants to mess around with your psyche. Which incidentally ends in a disaster.

Third. If the two mutually exclude each other, something is wrong with the ex's offer or the other's interest. Or both.

If you feel you need help, look for a pro.



I have been dating for almost 25 years and would not claim to know everything about the man or vice versa…

I think you should try it without any relationship and, if you like, look for a professional to get along with you.


Well, he is really good at understanding me because I'm always amazed myself.


I can't currently look for a psychologist because I only had 5 months ago sessions.


I do not buy that from you completely, it is not knitted so simply that someone other than always sees through.

Therapy really exhausted? What does the family doctor say?


But I'm probably so simple for him knitted.

The psychologist told me that I can't come back to her in a year.


Maybe you also "want" subconsciously that he is always right?

Talk again with your family doctor for the purpose of transfer.

Whether you still get hours decides recently, the health insurance.


Can you just advise fingers away. I very much doubt that your ex really has a clean marital interest.

The whole thing sounds to me rather that he is quite manipulative.

In my opinion. Hands off. If then go to a professional. If necessary, wait. Respectively. Talk to people about how to get more hours from the KK.

Why is he actually your ex?


Hmm good question… If he means well.

He is my ex boyfriend because in the past he often criticized me for trifles.


Could also be…

Yes, I'll ask.


Let's ask: did he ask things of you that contradict each other? Especially in this review?

I give you an example:

You go out in the evening: he tells you that you are dressed too well and he does not like that.

The next time you go out you get dressed up and he criticizes you that you are not sexy enough and you should dress a bit more revealingly.

This is just an example. But so stop situations where he says B, A is wrong and if you do B he says B is wrong do A (or C and if you do C that too is wrong etc.)


That's exactly how he acts.


Then I dare very much to doubt that he has your best in mind. This behavior, which I described, is a form of manipulation that you can apply. Narcissists do that a lot more often than I've noticed. Whether he is one I can't say. But someone who does something like that certainly does not have the welfare of the other person in mind.

Quite apart from that:

How does he want to treat you if he has already given advice in the past that contradicts himself?