Landlord wants to kick me out because I break my furniture and scream too loud?


I'm having aggression issues with the game, so I beat 8 laptops, 3 PCs, and a bunch of phones in the past. That's why I spent several years in a number of therapies that unfortunately did not work.

Now I've set it up so that I have a '' fool's room '' in my apartment where junk furniture and a baseball bat stand around. Every time I freak out at the game, I run into the room, take the bat and break the furniture. This helps a lot because it satisfies me to break something with the baseball bat and I then straighten myself off instead of fist-punching the PC. I also scream loudly.

Now, the landlord has made me aware of it and wants to throw me out of the apartment because I disturb the neighbors, as it usually happens at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Question: May the lender throw me out of the apartment or is he wrong here? I told him that I have aggression issues and I'm being treated, but he says it still can't. What do you think?


That you are in therapy is already very good, but if you know how much the "Gamen" upset you, why do you do it?

If someone lived in my house at night at 3 with the baseball bat all small skin I would complain too.

If the landlord is constantly complaining about this he will have to act.

Maybe you are looking for a more beautiful hobby where you can auspowern? The gamen does not do you any good.


But it is not only in the game, but in all areas of life. Everything that is competitive excites me. I game because I want to be good at something, that gives me self-confidence.


Your landlord is right there, as you bother your neighbors by the noise, especially if you make noise in the night.

Unfortunately I can't help you with your aggression and you have already tried some therapies. However, I would like to give you a hint how you want to. Let loose without disturbing your neighbors. I would advise you to make your "fool's room" sound proof, then nobody will get any of your tantrums (unless you damage not only your property, but also the landlord's). Unfortunately, I do not know how exactly that is feasible and if that vllt. Also too expensive, but I would like to suggest it.


That's a very good tip of that, I already heard.


I mean that such a massive disturbance of the peace does not have to be tolerated. The landlord is right, because he must also protect the interests of other tenants.

Maybe you should not be able to play at least at night, so you can't freak out at night-time. Use the time between 22 h and 6 h to sleep.


Try to be good in other areas of life. School or job, sports, etc. All the best.