Does anyone have Shadow experience (gaming streaming)?

- in Gaming

I came across the latest on a video, such a similar video I have ever seen, but could not take it first, or I had bad Internet.

Anyway, I want to get a PS4 this year on Black Friday, if fate does not allow me to plan B, because I've never gambled properly and wants to go Fortnite, PUBG…

I came across this video, apparently you can make a microwave to a gaming machine. Since my laptop is from the year 2011 and after 1 hour of watching YouTube it's getting as warm as if you had installed a hairdryer in the laptop instead of a cooler, I doubt it will work on my laptop.

35 Euro for 1 month costs all the fun. Has anyone already had experience with "Shadow"? And rich 50K download with 10K upload?


Is not really worth it these days. The whole is worthwhile only in 2-5 years, but was to be seen as it is relatively new.

Of course you can play good games on bad hardware because they are streamed and thus hardly need any power. In practice, however, it is more the case of many games, input lags and bad graphics to crash due to unstable Internet.

The price is not really plump even if it looks cheap at first glance. 35 euro a month is 420 euro a year and a good current gaming PC lasts about 4 years until you upgrade some parts again.

In 4 years you have paid for the subscription so 1680 euro so you currently get a high-end gaming PC or he will be yours. Then when the time comes when you upgrade the PC you can sell the old hardware again and get the new hardware cheaper.

I'll give it a few more years until it's really good, at the moment it's better for people who travel a lot and do not want to buy a fat gaming laptop. The problem is that you have bad Internet while traveling in Germany and you have to rely on it all the time.


I want to test it myself and especially I want to be able to play with friends for a while at least. For me once 35 euro would not be painful. I myself have 50K download and 10K upload home, that should be enough, right?


What exactly do you mean with 50k download?

You need 15 Mb / s so you would probably need a 200k line. A 100k line has only 12.5 Mb / s and a 200k line (like mine) has about 22-24 Mb / s

If you mean with 50k download 50 Mb / s then that's more than thick. But if you have a 50k line and about with 5-7 Mb / s then do not load.


50 megabytes per second - download

10 megabytes per second - upload


Then that should go without problems. Recommended 15