My dvd can't play / read anymore. Does anyone of you know an approach?


As described above, my on a mac burned dvd can no longer read and the error message appears: K: \ the directory name is invalid. Have it on my laptop and my PS4 tried to play it, which unfortunately does not work and on the back are no serious scratches to recognize. Does anyone know what I can do there?

My dvd can t play read anymore. Does anyone of you know an approach My dvd can t play read anymore. Does anyone of you know an approach - 1 My dvd can t play read anymore. Does anyone of you know an approach - 2 My dvd can t play read anymore. Does anyone of you know an approach - 3


once I find it strange why your DVD is so brown on the last picture.

Is it a movie or music try it time with VLC Player.

Virtual Machine Linux Try it out.

What does Disk Management say about the DVD?

Maybe it's that you can restore the data with a disk rescue program.


Can she be read on the MAC?

On which devices did you try it: PC, laptop and so 4 (what is that?)?

Look at that, maybe it will help you:


Is it a movie or music try it time with VLC Player.

Why should VLC be able to play anything from the DVD if it is not even recognized by the operating system?

Virtual Machine Linux Try it out.

You can't possibly mean that.

Maybe it's that you can restore the data with a disk rescue program.

Again, the same applies as the VLC!


* ps 4 and since I have no mac myself I can't test it unfortunately. So the video was shot with a camera and edited on the macbook and burned to this cd / dvd


Now that you say it, the front looks really weird (ie the brown). The dvd has been in a paper envelope for quite some time. It is a movie and with a disk rescue program, it does not work because the disc is not recognized


Could be because the video is in a format that neither Windows (PC, laptop), nor Linux (PC, laptop, PS4) can play.

It could also be that the DVD:

1 .: not finalized

2nd: is simply damaged.

Did the one who made it try it out (on the MAC)?


I just wrote down everything I remembered.

OK, maybe you can give the first one.

Maybe Linux recognizes some data on the DVD. I would say just try it and you can see if it brings something or not.

I was able to rescue a DVD with a rescue program for defective data media.

Just try it and do not say in advance that it will not work.


What does disk management say?


I was able to rescue a DVD with a rescue program for defective data media.

But then it was certainly already recognized at least as a disk before. If the drive is not recognized by the operating system, no data recovery program can help.

How do I know that?

Own experience.


Yes, she even ran on my laptop a year ago… Probably she's really damaged.


Have you ever tried what, in the linked by me instructions?

Has the DVD been in the sun for a long time / in a very warm place (oven heating)?