I would like to buy a new gaming monitor that has a display port and an HDMI connection. My laptop has a USB c and an HDMI connection, which means I have to operate my 144Hz FHD monitor either via HDMI or with an adapter from displayport to USB c. Is it possible to use a display port on a 144hz usb c adapter and to achieve the full scope of the monitor, or do I have to use HDMI 2.0 with 120HZ?
With HDMI 2.0 you can transmit up to 240FPS depending on the resolution.
If you play in 1080p, a normal HDMI cable is sufficient.
Is it possible to achieve the same resolution with an adapter from Displayport to USB C? Because if I should buy another monitor later, it would be more practical if the HDMI port on the laptop was still free.
Or additional functions such as G-Sync / Free Sync not available.
To be honest, I don't know. Just google "USB C to DisplayPort adapter and find out 😊
I've already tried that, but after 10 minutes of googling I gave up and thought that maybe someone could help me ^^
I think that is still available because the XBOX X supports it as far as I know and it only has one HDMi output.
Ok ty
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