How do parents persuade PC?

- in Gaming

I would have a question how would I manage to persuade my parents that I buy a gaming PC, the money I have but my parents think that the electricity costs are much too much and therefore do not allow me. That's why I've been playing a laptop for almost 6 years now.

We do not really lack money, that's why I'm surprised about the argument about electricity…

Would anyone have an idea or facts that I can show my parents somehow strengthen my view?


So if I were your muitter, I would rather worry about the grades than the electricity costs. Say, so that you do not get stuck in school, it would be 10, a maximum of 15 hours a week to gamble. Not more. If we say an energy requirement for the system of 0.5 kW (500 W) would be in the week about 5 to 7 kWh extrapolated in the year then that is about 250 to 400 kWh that is after all between 60 and 100 euro electricity costs.

Maybe you calculate this to your parents exactly. Then you show them right away that you do not neglect the school.


Money, electricity, laptop, PC… Arguments? Just leave the word "gaming" and buy a PC for school, work, hobby, … A "must" in this day and age.
Of course, any PC is also suitable for games (just "push" a good graphics card) …


Wtf? "Buy yourself a PC, for work, school or hobby" gambling is no or how? XD


A PC needs power but not so much now.

Normal Gaming PC (now no fat bucket) so draws about average 150W + monitor, so we take about 200W the hour as a basis.

Take that as a basis and expect 15 hours of gaming per week.

At 25Cent per KW.

So 3KW per week or about 12KW a month, we round up to 15KW, so 15KW x 25cent are about 3.75 euro a month…

Less the power of the notebook with 1 euro per month, you are at about 2.75 euro a month… Suggest that you pay 5 euro a month for electricity.


No, I guess he thinks that he should not tie his parents so much on the nose as many parents imagine themselves in a gaming PC Stromfresser


Very well calculated and the 200 watts on average also cut very well in a Ryzen 5 2600 and RX580 8GB as besipiel which fits very well in the 600 budget class and if you do not quite ausreitzt ends up at just over 200 watts