Are my parents crazy and I have to be afraid of them?


I'm now 14 years old (almost) and I noticed that my parents are different than the parents of my friends. And I know that being different is not bad but I have always been forced by my parents to be different. I did not have a cellphone until I was 13 and everyone in my class had one, so I was always a geek. My parents never let me go out alone anymore. We never had a TV and I was therefore not always informed about the same as my friends. My parents do not have a smartphone and only a laptop. I now have a cellphone and laptop. My parents do not understand that I'm no longer a small child who needs help. Recently, my mother wanted to explain to me that it is binding for the period, I have been doing this for 2 years already and bind. My parents also think that I should do my internship in a workshop. I'm a girl and am interested in hacking and math. I also love manga and my parents wanted to forbid me to draw any. So just let them never let me have their own opinion and claim I can't form one yet. I've already mentioned that this is not possible, but at some point they just said I'm aggressive and come to hell. Then I wrote you a letter and my mother said I have no right to write something like that. I have not been celebrating for a year because I had always argued with my parents and they have the genschenke I gave them capped when I wanted to apologize and threw my thrown into my room. I never get any gifts but only money around me to go alone to buy what I want. So never a celebration with friends or something. And my parents recently just said to the mother of a well-known that I'm bad and that was the embarrassing I told them they should not do something like that but my parents just thought I'm a picture like my uncle and he's homeless (supposedly, my eltren have no verwwnten or known). I always fidget around and do that also uncontrolled and my parents say that would be disturbed I should let that but they do not help me and believe strange things. They have always incited me against other people I can't deal with them any more, it is always a fight and when I can't stand it anymore and apologize, they keep ignoring me but now I do not talk to them anymore and I do not want to see them anymore because I give them no longer believe that I'm to blame for everything. My mother has said she never does anything wrong. Please give me a tip on how to keep my parents until I'm 18.


And if you did not have a cell phone, you would use punctuation marks and paragraphs.

If everyone in your class had the pneumonic plague, would you have wanted it?

You certainly had or did things that the others did not have or were allowed to do.

And who knows how much of your classmates were left to their own homes.


But I never had friends and my parents are totally old fashioned


I know you do not think so at the moment, but I think that you will see things differently in 20 years.

At the latest when your kids find you old-fashioned.


Then that's how it is, you have to live with that. My classmates are just as old as you and their parents are just like that. That's how it is, there's something like that. Fight through and pull out as fast as possible.


So if you can't stand it any longer you can go to the youth welfare office who know what's wrong, for example a family therapy worst if you can stay there for a while so that everyone calm down and maybe your parents think about me maybe but also helps a joint conversation with the youth welfare office to open your parents eyes.


My concern is that they leave me my opinion and do not always call me evil and bad


And has friends, how should you meet somebody if you do not have a whatsapp?


Omg gave honestly. I'm w / 13 myself and I'm very active in the social networks, but ever heard of a phone? You can also call the other and ask if the person has time. And yes she has friends.


Your parents are not crazy and you do not have to be afraid of them either. But they seem to have a very, very outdated and conservative worldview.

You can tell yourself, "I'm alright, I'm worth something, I'm making mistakes, but I'm trying to get it right, and I'm not going to hell!"

As far as smartphone, tablet, gifts and parties are concerned, you are dependent on your parents and can (unfortunately) not force them to do anything.

Suggestion: You act as friendly as possible to your parents, but keep asking many questions. Discussions are best avoided and you are thinking of yourself, "I will include everything in my decisions, but I'm not here to live according to my parents' concept."

And someday you will be 18 …


My parents see ds as verat and I do not know how I should find someone from the youth office and in the school does not go and do not phone because they control who I've phoned


But if everybody gets to know each other via whatsapp and during the break I only talk about whatsapp then I never get to know them


Entertaining WhatsApp during the break? Are you still talking to each other? Help, I thought to myself they are at the school a lot on the phone but uiuiui


But I think their ideas are really weird they do not believe that you can't be heterosexual, for example, and the internet will not exist in a couple of years with something like that will not leave me alone until I agree with them but never because I have nothing against have gay and such


I can understand you very well, because in my childhood and adolescence I had a similar experience. They are not very old, but they are very old-fashioned and toxic. They live in a time when children still obey unconditionally. I have always gone my own way. It was always the wrong way for my parents. They never really cared for me, but they always interfered. I always liked that, but I did what I thought was right. Anyway, when I look back today, I'm somehow grateful to them (already dead) because that's what made me very strong. Today, I lead a very happy independent life. In retrospect, I would rather break contact altogether, but at that time I did not have the strength. You do not have to listen to your parents when something feels wrong to you. They just do not know it, and only want the best for you. Just wanting the best is not always the best for you. If you are 18, you can decide for yourself, then you can still think about whether you want to continue to have contact or not. Sometimes you have to separate from people to make it feel better even if it's your own parents!


Ne in the class we have always played kahoot so on the phone a quiz answered by the teacher I could never join because all are only on the phone


Suggestion: You do not argue, just listen and comment with "Aha!" - "That's also a consideration!" - "I'll think about it." - "Very interesting!" - "I'll inform myself about that."

But you do not agree and you do not contradict.


But if i do not annoy them all the time i do not have a minute minute they always want to know what i do so i provoke them intentionally so they do not care what i do it feels like hate to hate your own parents but you're right i'm sometime 18 and I will not let me take my opinion on them, but suppose the go to a demo, I have to with me because I would prefer to demonstrate with the "opponents"?


Have you sent a FA?


A cell phone 📱 is not a must, your parents are not required to buy one for you.

Do not educate your parents the way they feel like it does not suit them as your environment would be right.

You have super parents and should be soltz on their plans to educate you.

They clarify you and convey their knowledge to you.


Why are you the best if you do not let me do anything? I do not want to be educated


You do not have to hate your parents, but try to understand why they act like this. If you can't change a problem, change your attitude to the problem! (I can understand you, but I still do what I think is right)! At 14, you have a lot of experience to collect, and your parents just want to protect you. When you fight it gets worse and worse. Try to speak with them calmly and convincingly.


No one is allowed to do anything he wants, such people will not survive long.

Everyone is only allowed to perform actions that correspond to good considerations.

Or do you think your parents and other children can do anything they want?

Do you know the causality principle.


No, but when I'm 18 I can do what I want even if I know it's wrong, I'm never interested in what's wrong but I'll just do it and my parents should accept that


I've already written a letter and they ignore me and say I'm not right


They think that's crazy


They also have no right to deal with you. One can talk about everything. You can't solve anything with ignoring. With 14 you do not do everything right, but not everything wrong. These are experiences you have to make in life. They want to keep you from everything and that is wrong. Do not you have siblings or other relatives to talk about?


What kind of time do you live in? So you do not raise children. You do not have to fulfill every wish of children, but to ban everything is just as wrong! A middle ground would be right. I also have children and they have become wonderful people!


Ne they broke off contact with their relatives, I did not have a single child and did not have a boyfriend because we moved


Why can't my parents be more normal and pay more attention to their surroundings they are really embarrassing


What does that mean?


Friend request


I think you are a very strong person, and you will succeed. Always think: there will be a good solution for this situation!


Do not ask why, but: how can I be helped to get out of this situation?


And how I do not always want to argue with them so I have my rest?


Thanks, um, and where is that?


With you should be in your messages that I sent you one. Press on the gray circle with the male in the upper right and then on messages


If you formulate the wish in silence again and again, a solution will come! Wishes are fulfilled. You have a PC. You can write anonymously to the youth welfare office and describe your situation.


Ok I'll think about it with the youth office thank you.


You have in your answer, I think, the first time heterosexual confused with gay.


What should the youth welfare office do in your opinion.

That well-being of the child is neither physically nor mentally damaged.

Just because people are limited, it does not mean that everything is allowed to the child.

Think about it first, if a person really everything would be allowed to action, then you would be happy about it.

According to this statement of your person as a woman, would also justify the act of taking pictures under the skirt.

Like theft, sexual abuse and sex at any age is legitimate with every girl and boy of any age.

Not to mention with theft, why indicate if you would support it yourself, as soon as you do not follow the limits.

This would make the youth welfare office unnecessary for the most part.

Because every action is allowed from the age of 18, that is the assumption of the questioner.

But 👎 no, when the parents are gone, you still have to stick to limits which are given to you.

For this we have laws within our Ladet that will continue to fulfill the function of your parents until the end of your days 🤣🤣🤣


Listen to dear hackergil, completely no one of us is free, because we can't do all the actions we want.

If it were so, then every action would be legitimate whatever.

Starting with the fact that someone would do to yourself what this person wanted without worrying about the consequences of his own actions.

Think about it when you say that from the age of 18 people could do what they want.

Then, according to your own ideas of action, your parents may now treat you as they please.

After all, they are your parents and over 18 years old.

For you intend to claim for yourself the same right but you do not want your parents to withhold it.

Respect the decisions of your parents, they are better than some others.

I have seen too often how parents think their children are educated, but if they show interest in their lives.


Thanks for the answer, but why should the decision of my parents automatically just because they are my parents better than the opinions of others?


No you can't.

You are not bird free, but you will need your own income.

After school and training, your employer determines what time you are at work and then which you go home.

As a thank you you get a reward from the employer, for this you buy food.

Or what do you want to live from, begging on the street would also be a possibility.

And what do you want to pay for a mobile phone das or the Internet 💰.

You do not get the phone as a gift, but you have to pay for all expenses yourself.


I think that sounds awful to want to study first: /


But my parents do not like me so much


Because your parents want to teach you some lessons.

Lesson material is not everything.
Lesson patience pay off.
Lesson Wealth is not to own something new, but to take advantage of it.
Lesson in treating someone else's success, buying a new cell phone, or buying the latest clothes, is all about satisfying them and being less prone to jealousy.

Angriness means e.g. Do not begrudge someone that this person got a cell phone 📱 or a laptop.

But it does poison you internally, because if you get everything, then it has for you, not because of the same value as having received it through diligence.


Ok, do not think that my parents think so far seriously want that I do my internship in a workshop and that I do a training but study is good but they think I can't do it so I'm so angry at the


They always say I'm stupid aggressive learning and angry and naughty (always)

to have no right or


5 lesson.

If your parents provide you with the decision of a workshop, it is an exam.

If you can think for yourself, you will choose the path that you can't reach.

If you can't think independently, then you let other people make decisions for you from that point on.

But only from the moment ☝️ where it has to be decided whether you are studying or studying in a workshop.

Everything was decided here.


Sorry but I do not understand your answer what do you mean?


If they always tell you you're smart, then you have no reason to prove it to you and your parents.

If the ones you say are stupid, they give you the opportunities to grow on yourself and inspire others with your knowledge.


Why should not I be able to do that?


There are different forms of thinking:

One form is to let others make decisions for you without thinking about the consequences.

You always let others think for you 🤔.

The other form is self-constant thinking 🤔, because you make use of what others can do, learn from it and think about their thinking process.

You learn to make your own decisions without being too dependent on others.


It may be that I learn this through my parents but that they can't intend, they always talk to me my opinion and say I have no right and they said when I cut my hair or renovated my room I'm too self-sufficient?


Because something that's easy to do is not worth it because it's always there.

Something that is difficult to create, but nevertheless created from ergeits, boosts one's self-esteem and produces happy feelings.


In order to be right and to apply, you need knowledge from books.

As soon as you can understand the content, you can take away that knowledge as well.

By knowing, you can also use that omnipotence paradox to talk to your parents.

But to be able to form a paradox yourself, you need more knowledge, because that is where your freedom lies alone.


Mistakes are the foundation of knowledge, man himself is a pure mistake.

If you start to escape now, you will not stop as fast as yourself.

Because who wants to take responsibility, does not need to fear his own mistakes, because these make you a knowing person only.


But they've always done that and I've gotten away badly and I did not have a girlfriend why did they have to teach me that bad? Do not make other parents


I want to talk to my parents but they ignore me and I do not want to make an effort to reconcile with them because I hate them I do not want them anymore


It did not make you feel bad afterwards, because you want to please other people, while forgetting your own self.

With sad looks you begrudge because other children because dealing with the parents with their children.

You forget yourself and your own needs.

Should I help you out of this?


How, please


Thanks for this review