Which graphics card is best for a gaming laptop?

- in Gaming

Beautiful evening!

I've been considering buying a gaming laptop for a long time - and yes, a laptop, since I don't have space for an entire PC setup - and in my research, the question of the right graphics card is a hurdle for me.

I have a really good laptop at the moment, but I really sit in front of it 24/7 and this is reflected in parts that are not working. Because it is now really pointless to replace all of these, I wanted to buy a new one right away. But especially for gaming.

It should be noted that I don't just use my laptop for gaming. Among other things, I also need it for some (relatively small but at least) programs for my studies and would like to be able to save other documents etc. On it. In other words, it should be an all-round laptop with a special focus on gaming.

As far as the RAM and processor are concerned, I'm pretty sure with 16 GB of RAM and an i7 processor right now. But that's just a side note (if someone could suggest something better here).

My current laptop has an NVIDIA GeForce 920M graphics card. However, I have no idea how good this is compared to other (inexpensive) ones.

I play a lot, but not high definition games. Most of the time SWTOR and Sims 4 and both run relatively well, but only on medium to low graphics settings and there, too, it sometimes lags. With other games I also occasionally notice FPS delays that are not serious, but a better card would be an advantage. (I'm aware of the relationship between FPS and other attributes, maybe there are other tips on that as well?)

Now of course the price is also important. - I know what will come next: "PCs are much cheaper compared to laptops" but, as I said, I also need a new device for my studies and I have no space for it. After all, I would be reluctant to buy a laptop that does more than I actually need and is also more expensive than necessary.


The 920M is pretty bad these days.

A good gaming laptop for me would be anything upwards of an RTX 2060. Is of course quite expensive compared to a desktop with the same performance.


If you want it cheap, around 1,000 euro you can get laptops with a GTX 1650 or even GTX 1660 MaxQ, which are significantly better than your 920M. There are mostly with an i5, but also models with an i7.

If you can spend a little more money, there are around 1,500 euro laptops with an RTX 2060 or even RTX 2070. Of course, they are not quite as powerful as the desktop versions, because you have to pay attention to heat development and power consumption.

And if it really has to be "gamer", you can quickly go up to 2,300 euro. You get good IPS panels with 144Hz and G-Sync, good keyboards and decent battery power.


Are 16 inches enough? https://hardwarerat.de/...0-pro?c=68


Your graphics card is very, very bad these days.

Take a look at this laptop:

https://geizhals.de/...ml?hloc=de (rtx 2060, ryzen 7 4800h 8 cores, 500gb ssd, 144hz ips 300cd / m brightness and 16gb ram 3200mhz

is currently the best value for money laptop


I'm not up to date with the current knowledge and I don't know swtor but a laptop with a good gpu if you don't play anything else except that would be a gtx 1050 or a gtx 1060 good for you I also have an all-round pc so desktop and laptop and both with gtx 1060 and I also play sims but the predecessor so with Sims 4 a 1060 is enough as long as you only play graphically simple games and do not plan to switch to more demanding games in the future