Do you know a good and inexpensive gaming laptop?

- in Gaming

Do you know a good and inexpensive gaming laptop?


Macbook pro 204 edition


There are many good ones, unfortunately none that are good and inexpensive. I always get a toothache when a laptop-good-cheap is in demand.

A desktop calculator is about 30% cheaper than a laptop with the same performance. Calculate with about 1000 euro for a laptop - then "good" starts very slowly. I would choose the cheaper option for paddling. The advantage of this, besides the price, is that you can easily upgrade the large sheet metal box - which is quite expensive and problematic with the laptop due to the design.


Macbooks have never been, and never will be, gaming notebooks.


Unfortunately, there are no "good" and "cheap" gaming laptops in the low-end budget. Sure, these are usually referred to, but they always lack performance or other problems.

If you want something solid, then you are here at 1000 euro and up.
I myself play a few games here and there on a Huawei Matebook D14 even though I have a calculating machine in the basement… Just not set up. But here we're at think 600 … 700 euro for the D14 and a Ryzen with Vega 8 APU.


Now it depends on what you want to play. But basically the terms "good gaming laptop" and "cheap / inexpensive" don't really fit together. Take it as an example: that's roughly what I have. I paid a little less because in the specialist market (no, not Dödelmarkt or something) and trade exhibition item + something:

This means that even more demanding games run properly.