Laptop crackles quietly?

- in Gaming

First of all thanks to everyone who can help me.

I recently bought a gaming laptop, and it makes a crackling sound under the keyboard (more to the right) when under heavy load, sometimes when surfing.

You only hear it when you go with your ear directly to the keyboard. It is like a crackle or "rough" rustling and is there during gaming, otherwise only occasionally.

I have read that it is possible. The SSD or CPU can be. Apparently a lot of laptops have something wrong with the mainboard.

Does anyone know where that can come from and whether you should do something about it? I would find it very costly to send it back for something like that and consider that it will be the same again.


SSDs are usually silent. Only HDDs make noise and the CPU is usually in the top left to top center


This is due to the voltage converter that distributes the current in the notebook. The crackling is only there when the laptop is plugged in. My laptop has it too


Okay I'll have a look tomorrow if that's the reason it would of course be great


The noise is also there when the HDD is not being used


The sound sounds very similar to that in the video. Maybe it's just the SSD


But the functionality of an SSD doesn't make any noise. There are no mechanical parts that could crackle in any way.


Okay I know it even less but just found a few videos and SSD can make these noises and that's exactly what it sounds like to me. I hear either the HDD (click-like) the SSD or the fan so nothing else can be thanks anyway!