Brother gets everything, is that fair?

- in Gaming

I'm W13 EXTREMELY jealous of my brother M15. He gets everything he wants. Our parents read every wish from his eyes. However, if I wanted something I would have to fight for it for about 6 months - 1 year.

As an example: Last year my brother got a Ps4 & Gaming equipment worth around 1,500 euro. If I wanted something like that, I would certainly get the answer that it was too expensive.
Or another example: my brother gets branded clothes all the time, I only get no-name pieces…

I've been wanting a hamster for about 2-3 years. I was ready to take on all costs. (I don't get any pocket money, so from my bank account.) My brother wanted a cat, my parents were immediately ready for some cattle… (No insult to other cats!)

Now he also gets a Samsung Galaxy S20+ and the most expensive laptop my brother can find.

What should I do?


Have you ever tried to talk quietly to them about why this is and how you feel about it?


Have you ever spoken to them and given your views and examples?


Talk about it.

Also find it unfair that the difference is so big.


. With the question, is he diligent for it at school, for example, and you not?

But even if it is, it is still very disproportionate from your parents.

It's best to talk to them. With factual arguments.


I'm busy at school, he is not.


What kind of parents are they? Sorry but these are A ***, talk to someone like your grandparents about it, but your brother will probably not break anything in life anyway if he never does anything himself.

As I said, talk directly to your parents about why they're doing this, preferably what you're asking here, but only tomorrow. It's extremely unjust what they do.


Then I'm all the more sorry for you. Talk about it factually with them


Then you can be happy with the damage and wait, your brother will probably not achieve anything in his life if he doesn't learn anything and gets everything pushed in.