I feel that I have been treated unfairly at home, what should I do?


I'm 17 and have a brother who is 2 years younger than me.

From my point of view, we're not quite fair. Because I have to hand over my cell phone at 7 p.m., just like my brother and my laptop usually 8 p.m.

We live in a house with 2 floors. I have my room upstairs and my girlfriend's parents with my brother downstairs. Because my parents usually go to bed very early, my brother can always sneak into the kitchen quickly and get his cell phone and put it down again in the morning without being noticed. For me, on the other hand, it's more difficult because I would be heard directly.

But if my parents forgot to take my laptop off, my brother comes and teases me or takes it off. But if the whole thing goes around differently, I tell you nobody believes me and I'm portrayed as a liar.

I also usually have to do all the household chores, fetch wood, etc. Which I usually do without mucking around. But if I should ever be finished, my parents keep looking until they have a job for me.

I was also called home while I was outside with friends because there were two plates in the kitchen which I should clean up, but of course my brother who was at home couldn't do that.

I also have the feeling that my parents don't want me to meet these friends because my brothers tell them lies and they think badly of my friends.

Another point is that my brother is currently sleeping voluntarily next to me in my room where there's a bed, and since he is afraid I have to sleep with him or leave my door open. In the evening I'm also obliged to watch his favorite series with him in my room because the TV in the room comes off immediately because I can do something with my brother.

In and of itself, my brother is really nice and likes to do something with him, but I just want to be alone in the evening.

I'm a good student with 1 and 2 grades while my brother is at 3, 4 or 5 so I help him, also because my parents want it to a certain extent. I even do his homework or presentations sometimes.

If my brother or I should do something wrong, I'm usually the reason or to blame for it.

Unfortunately, I can't talk to you about it very well because I'm immediately banned from using my cellphone or under house arrest.

I usually feel really not treated fairly, so if you have tips on how I can talk to them or have a solution to the problem, please let me know.


You should talk to your parents about it or go to the youth welfare office so that your parents get a little scared.


I advise you something: you are really not doing anything wrong. You like your brother, despite everything falling on you, that's what sets you apart. You can distinguish very well what is ok and what is not without messing up your emotions. You can look at it soberly now. You have an old age where you will soon be legally counted as an adult. Depending on how much you love your parents, you can, if possible, get out of the field as quickly as possible, depending on how early you can start making a living. I'm away from home at 17 because of big differences. I'm now 50 and raised an adult child myself. My parents both died and in the end i had a very nice and respectful time with them. In the end, it only matters how far and how long you want to endure this. Regardless of whether your parents mean good or bad, that's not your problem. Your parents are wrong and stupid, but that's not your problem. You can't tolerate this and still love your parents as parents. People are different and you are not your parents' property. You are your own personality that sets your limits. You can choose… Welcome to life…


Wow that really sucks…

I understand you and maybe if your brother picks up his cell phone you could wake up your parents and show them that it's gone. Try putting the blame on your brother a little. I mean, if you want to be alone in the evening, you should too, since you have your own privacy. Close them and if they notice something, I would inform the youth welfare office. You could also wait a year until you are 18 and move out. Wg ect…
If you think your brother will understand, tell him from your point of view how you feel and how he would feel if all of this happened to him. Ask him if he's not feeling guilty or anything. Try to feel your brother what you're going through