When do you get your things after a house search (court)?


I'm 20 years old and live with my brother 16 in a room. My brother was doing illegal things over the laptop back then. Confiscated were:

2 hard drives (my)

1 pc (brother)

4 empty USB sticks (my)

1 mobile (brother)

It was called the things they take anyway because it can be that he has used these too. Now my brother is coming to the Juvenile Court because the police or Forensic Scientists have found that drugs have been bought over the laptop.

What happens to the things now? Sure, the PC is gone because of the offense, but what about the hard drives, mobile phones and empty USB sticks? They belonged to me and how do I get to this now? Are we going to get them after the court ruling if my brother is here or how is that going to happen?

I think it's clear that I want my things again and I've been waiting long enough (generally also have nothing to do with the matter). On the Fesptatten and so on nothing was found punishable, so we should get it again. But when and where? Nothing was said to us. My feeling somehow tells me that I'll never see them again, even if there's nothing wrong with them.


Unfortunately, it is usually so that you have to wait months until you get it back, but since everything was already looked through speaks eig nothing against that you get it again. Tell me personally in the police, signs everything and ask what you can do best. In the worst case, you'll get it after the court verdict.


Your feeling is deceptive. Generally, I recommend the lawyer to question.

You get those things back when that's all over. In case of doubt on request.


For sure? Not that it says after the sentence "Yes they are already disposed of to make room, I'm sorry". I have the feeling that there will be no information about the stored things after the judgment. I will go home and call the police then tell me that these things were disposed of: /


For sure.


After completion of the investigation (evaluation) get a message from the prosecutor where you can pick up the seized objects at the time.

That can take 6 months and longer.


They are not allowed to dispose of your things just like that.


Things with which a crime was committed are usually NOT returned! And it can take a long time very long, I've waited two years