Is this gaming PC worth € 600?

- in Gaming

I've been working on PCs and laptops for a while now, but I have not been into it all the time, so I do not know which PC is good for price performance.

I'm looking for a 500-600 Euro gaming PC (first, I can still retrofit everything if it is not enough in the future). However, I do not build it myself but buy finished PC's and probably many will write "Build PC is like Lego" or "finished PC's do not have the same performance as if you build it yourself"

So my colleague built himself a pc a few weeks ago (for the first time) he told me he needed 5 hours for it and had to watch all the videos (and he was not that stupid or incompetent now). I just want to buy a finished PC because I do not trust me and when it arrives, I want to start directly. And I doubt that finished PC's have less power when ordered from a reputable store and all the original hardware is.

I have this PC here once:

And one more PC from Hardwarerat, which also costs 600 euro and is called "hardware advice 600"

The hardware is not so great, but still wants to know which PC is worth more, both for gaming and for work (video editing, image editing)


"he is not that stupid", but apparently. Do not know anyone who took more than 60 minutes for his first computer. Prerequisite is one can read, has a decent eyesight and knows about what to where.

I would take that from hardware advice ♂️


I would take the PC from because the graphics card has twice as much VRAM and the SSD is a bit better.

The power supply is also slightly better and more efficient. Generally, you will not notice a difference in the PCs until the VRAM runs to you, then the RX 570 with 8GB has a big advantage. The RAM at PC is a bit slower, but can be overclocked well.

In addition, the PC of has Windows 10 already installed as a full version, the other PC only the 30-day trial!

Better finished PCs, than the, I can't really recommend you!

Your doubt is not correct, you can still save 50-60 euro by building your own!


The PCs are almost identical, with hardware advice is the power supply better, the graphics card, the housing and the SSD, in the krotus PC, the motherboard is a bit newer and the RAM (probably) a little faster.

So it does not matter, both are quite cheap for ready-made PCs.

"And I doubt that finished PC's have less power when ordered from a reputable store and all original hardware is."

I do not know why you doubt that but you are wrong with this statement.

"So my colleague built himself a PC a few weeks ago"

Great, then you have someone who can help you in an emergency, the first time is always the hardest. For that, you learn something useful that is not only fun for most, but also helps to save money in the process.


Why should a finished PC have less power?


Here you have, for example A configuration that also costs around 600 euro (612 euro):

There's a r5 2600 instead of a r3 1400 installed, higher IPC and a hexacore instead of the quad core 1400, this CPU is a whole corner faster (

This is a RX580 8GB instead of a 570 with 4 / 8GB installed, which is a whole corner faster (

In addition you have a larger (256GB) PCIe SSD.

To make it short, the calculator is much stronger than those posted by you, as it is sometimes, if you put together yourself.

Irrespective of the fact that it can be fun and you learn something about it: how long will you keep this PC and play with it? 2 years? 3? 4? I think even if you needed five hours to build… You would have a better PC for years and thousands of hours of play.

That would be worth a few hours…

The only thing missing is a data grave but 1TB can also be retrofitted for 35 euro, if a little more money is available…


Because the people who compile and drive him out do not make that sound. You pay for this achievement.

You may like my u.g. Look at config and look how much you would have to pay for it with a provider (small tip: at hardware advice this config costs 800 euro, but also has 8GB more RAM, games in about the same performance).


Ohso that you mean. I thought you said that a finished PC has less power than if you build the same PC itself.


That makes no sense at all Components always have the same performance no matter who installed them, they only cost different amounts.

Whatever happens (this is not the case with your links), the ready-made outfitter will combine components that make no sense or are even detrimental to performance (eg, a Ryzen CPU running at slow 2666MHz or even worse at 2.4GHz) combine), then theoretically the same components (CPU) are installed, but it does less, because it is slowed down by lame RAM…