Notebook lost! Reuse / locate Windows Product Key etc?


Is it possible that one can locate the owner of a stolen Win 10 software (notebook) on the basis of the ProductKey?

So, is it possible for the "thief" to play his own Windows operating system on my machine and activate it with my ProductKey on the machine?

If activation is possible (only if), it can be located, e.g. Over the IP or something? Because my key was registered on me, can Microsoft recognize that?

Unfortunately I can't place it because the service is deactivated! Would bring anyway nothing, because I can't ask anyone within 100 meters, if he uses my computer.


If you have not activated the following, then you have little chance of getting the device back:

Did you buy the product key or was Windows 10 preinstalled on the NB?


That was preinstalled. And if I had bought it? How would that look like?


For a preinstalled Windows 10 there's no product key, just a digital license.

The thief can simply continue to use the device or re-install Windows 10.

The only chance would have been to activate the theft protection - then the next notebook.


I had Win 10 played, from a purchased CD. But I left the key on the Lappi.


That was preinstalled

You contradict yourself here, I'm out of here.


How does Italic work? Maybe you understand what?