What is a Partial Product Key (Win10)?


I wanted to restart Win10 on our laptop. To do this, I read out the product key because I Really wanted to set it up so that I don't have to buy a new key.

Now I've just read it and somehow it's different than usual.

it said: partial product key,
the string was much shorter.

I know that the laptop was bought with Win8 and then later updated to Win10. That's probably the reason, right?

Is there a way I can reset Win10 on an original Win8 laptop that has been updated to Win10, but so that I don't have to buy a new key?

The best thing to do is to ask this question separately, because this is actually about what a partial product key is. (And the reason that I ask the question with the partial product key is that I don't know how to set up Win10 again, because this partial product key is shorter than a regular product key.)

Would be really grateful if someone could answer the 1st or even both questions.


What did you use to read the key?


1x via the command prompt and then again via a tool from the network.


After I entered a command in the command prompt that was used to display the key, it said: Partial product key: XXXX

And there was only the string above the tool. But exactly as it was shown to me at the command prompt. So the same signs and also the same number of the same.


I found absolutely nothing on Google in relation to Part-Product Key + Win8 / Win10. Nowhere does that appear on the word.