Consumption of various hallucinogens and, for example, MDMA detectable in chat, possible consequences?


Since I recently had a house search (Austria) due to an intercepted delivery of 5g cannabis and my laptop and mobile phone were confiscated, I now have the following concern:

The consumption of 2C-B, LSD and other hallucinogens and entactogens may be detectable in chats (without any images). My question now is: can this lead to drug tests being ordered despite the fact that I don't have a driver's license? I know that LSD can be detected in the hair for up to 3 months.

I have about 1cm short hair all over my head, until the supposed drug test it would be at least 2 weeks (rather longer). Last consumption was on March 5th. (today is March 15th). Would it be of any use to me to shave my hair to ~ 6mm before the test with the razor?

PS: This question is of course purely theoretical and only out of interest and I have never consumed any of the substances mentioned.

LG and thanks in advance


Will certainly not be tested for acid. And by the way, if you don't have any hair on your head, you have 1000 other hairs for samples. In theory fingernails too…


I would have no problem shaving off my leg and arm hair xD


They always find hair or nails somewhere 😅 But seriously now a house search for 5g? Is sick. With us in Switzerland that would probably be a small bus.

And I think they would only let you test if there was any suspicion of dealing.


Yes, never consumed myself selber


Jo, I thought that too… Above all, I have already received the letter from the regional court… It makes sense that it comes normally only after the house search, as the police officer told me, who himself did not know that I already knew about this criminal case.


These are pure allegations