Where does my suddenly higher electricity consumption come from?


Does anyone have an idea? I used 16,000 kWh in a 2 person household last year and made a hefty additional payment. Now I have all backups out of rooms that I consider unnecessary. House garden, garage and guest house. The years before, I always had a consumption between 3500 and 4000. I have a refrigerator and all devices relatively new and energy saving and mainly use LED. Still have a daily consumption of 94kwh from Friday evening to tonight. Once had the dishwasher running, laptop and TV short. Can't I have such a mega consumption? How do I find the culprit?


Maybe another tenant is tapping?


I live in my own home


That can't be. Did you read wrong?


If I were you, I would quickly have an electrician come and check the system.

The question of whether your bill has been estimated, if need be, is superfluous with the indication that you use almost 100 kW per day.

If necessary, the meter should also be checked here. To do this, you would have to contact your network operator.

If you were able to check yourself first, switch off all the fuses and switch them on individually and check the meter reading again and again to see whether any part triggers particularly high consumption here


I have already tried this with the fuses, but I can't assign half of the switches either because they have strange labels. Have already issued everything that went and still such a high consumption. Today I parked the guest apartment and check the total consumption again tomorrow. I haven't changed much compared to the previous years except to buy more energy-saving devices, I'm really desperate because the costs are flying around my ears, I would have to pay 800 euro.


No I did not and the electricity provider was amazed and said that it could not be for a two person household. 1 additional payment I would have 800 euro


As I said, then let an electrician come and talk to the electricity provider that the meter will be checked