I have feared that electrosmog will give me high blood pressure and racing heart rate, how do you feel about electrosmog?


In the present time, it is hardly possible for humans to get any rays except somewhere on an island and deserted area to live off the civilization and I wonder how long should this go on?
5G is already at the door, we humans are no longer very close or I mean we know that measures the harms people and want it anyway?
that's the biggest thing for humanity…

Well, so actually I wanted to ask what I can do because of my health because I have the fear of the last 2 - 3 years, intensive work I do almost daily on the laptop via WLAN at home, causing me considerable harm and I really nothing else Now do as need to put the notebook aside and to throw the wireless router out the window.

But am I the only one affected by this supposed problem here, hypertension and cardiac strains through electrosmog? I'm only 24 years old actually a young cheerful fitter guy and still I have health complaints… How do you deal with the topic of electrosmog?


No WLAN use, almost every notebook has a LAN connection. And I would never voluntarily press a cell phone on my head.

Yes, it is not healthy.

What stands out: With every mobile phone no matter how cheap is a handsfree cable. Could it be that the manufacturers hedge against later claims for damages?


I suspect that you measure the blood pressure only by a Befindichkeit, so can't be measured by the doctor?

You live in a world of influence, not waves of Wi-Fi and mobile phones, but in a world of charlatan influence that puts something in your brain.

If you have high blud pressure, let your kidney control, which is the most important control of blood pressure. And stop fixing on half-baked conspiracy theories, you're damaging you and your mental health.


I'm more worried that electrosmog might favor the formation of tumors.

But as it should be related to hypertension, I lack the imagination.


Electromagnetic waves in the frequency domain, where WLAN, 5G and co. Settled, have no effect on the body except warming of the tissue and you can ignore this warming right away, since the recorded benefits are so low that you warm your body by an order of magnitude during warm showers.

But of course there's the nocebo effect. If you believe that you are experiencing health problems from electrosmog, then the likelihood is that you are really going to have health problems.

Incidentally, because it fits just right: I was protected from all LTE radiation for a good three hours today. In an old uranium mine. Can you think of your part now?


Yes, it is not healthy.

Is that it?

With any mobile phone no matter how cheap a handsfree cable is included


I have never seen an original packaged mobile phone without a handsfree cable.


Welcome in 2015 …


The discussion of comparing body tissue with a microwave meal has already been discussed. I have seen and experienced some things that speak for athermal effects. And as I judge you, your cell phone in the mine has been sent to full pot.


Why did you choose electrosmog to find an explanation for hypertension? No, I can't prove it's not like that. I've always had relatively normal blood pressure, even though I've worked for more than 24 years in a job that was not exactly low on electrosmog.

How about the diet? Doctors call too much sodium chloride (saline) as a trigger of hypertension.

Of course you can replace your WLAN with a LAN or throw all the computer technology out the window. But what if your neighbor in the adjoining apartment does not dispose of his routers? How do you want to protect yourself from the radiation of mobile masts?
Even worse, how do you want to protect yourself from the sun's radiation?

I do not want to trivialize the radiation, but then would not give thousands of people who have similar complaints and also want to sit on the laptop daily / must?

I'm not exploring


Hypertension is in many cases nothing more than vegetative stress. And I think for tumors you need a really high level of management, so that is more likely to hit only the crazy ones, who press the phone to the head.


And I know what microwaves can and can't do and what makes up the power.

My phone is always in flight mode, unless I need mobile data. Not because I belong to the Aluhut faction, but just because the battery lasts longer.


Yes, the whole discussion about thermal effects is based on what you know so far. Only: you do not know more yet. So far, there are definitely no detectable effects that radiation works differently and damages tissues (exceptionally, in extreme cases, of frequent callers with age-old phones from the B / C network). And SaftSack19 is still alive despite the high-powered mobile phone - no wonder considering the ridiculous amount of energy in the cell phone. The mobile phone battery can at most be destructive in case of acute discharge due to explosion or overheating.



It is already clear to me that one can reproduce in such a way that in any case no athermal effect is recognizable. Never trust the research that you did not finance yourself.


Please take a look at my answer!

You're also one of those who have never been in the sun in life, right?


I have never seen a boxed cell phone without a charging cable… Do you now conclude that you should always hang this thing on the line? I mean, the manufacturers surely know something they do not tell us, right?


Seriously? A report from an experiment conducted by "5 Ninth-graders" that has not yet been reproduced by scientists is enough for you as an argument? And it's not even about cell phone radiation, but about the radiation next door "active network router" (a little further back then there are all at once "wireless router") leave? And the router radiation should be comparable to the radiation of mobile phones? So similar levels of radiation in the same frequency range - do you still notice how much the story lags? WLAN has a range of 100 m at 2.4 or 5 GHz, mobile phones up to several kilometers at 0.8-2.6 GHz, but with different width channels and modulation methods. But where is the proof that this is comparable?

Nothing but blabber! Physicians who wanted to see an effect (then you could ask for the treatment money) have so far (except i.d.R minimal thermodynamic effects) can't prove anything. But you support everything on ninth graders!