Switch Cubase between computers?


Moin, I have a question about Cubase from Steinberg. I'm doing a musical project for my Abitur. However, until now I have installed Cubase AI on my computer at home, where all instruments and attachments are attached. But now I have to work with my laptop from time to time (in school for meetings and such). Therefore I thought that I would buy Cubase Artist for the main computer and move the Cubase AI already there to the laptop, because I don't think it is possible to run 1 Cubase Artist on 2 computers. But I do not know exactly how this is possible or how I can get Cubase AI on another computer, because you need such a strange verification key and I have already used it on the computer. I also suspect that I have to reinstall all Vst and other plugins there, right? And if I switch between computers, then I probably do the whole project on a USB and then copy it to the other laptop, is that the best method?

I would like to thank you for your helpful answers, and I apologize for the numerous grammatical errors.


Let's start above, Cubase from Artist only works with the USB license key. The license is saved there. You can work with your USB dongle on any computer with Cubase Artist installed. So not computer bound. But not on two at the same time. I know that you can also transfer the Elements license to the stick. I don't know what it looks like with AI. If you are not working on two computers at the same time, you can install on both artists and only have to change the USB dongle. You can basically save the projects on a USB disk. Then you save yourself copying, because such a project can also have tens of GB. Of course you have to install the VST instruments twice, but you can also save and access the libraries on USB-HDD. You would only have to check how it is with the licenses.


Okay, thank you for the quick answer. So I can buy the upgrade from Cubase Ai to Artist and use it on my laptop and computer by simply plugging in the USB. That is optimal.


Yes. Just like that. And a hot tip when problems with the license arise: Steinberg has excellent telephone support. So at least I've only had good experiences so far.