Is it advisable to install Windows 10 on a Mac?


I have a 2012 notebook on which Mojave is currently installed. Currently, music programs such as Cubase and Protools are installed on the computer, after the update to Mojave, nothing really works!

Now my last option is to switch to Windows, as I have always had good experience with music software under Windows.

Is a conversion to Windows 10 useful? What do you recommend? Pro or Home?

What should be considered during installation? How compatible is Cubase and co with Windows? (Currently I own Cubase 8.5 and 10)


Such a hybrid solution is always problematic and no one can tell you here with certainty, whether it all works as you imagine.

In addition, I would insatll want to macOS on a "manufactured for WINDOWS systems" notebook.
So stay with Windows because private there's no other reason to change.