Have Cubase LE. What should I choose in the download wizard (Cubase Pro or Cubase Pro Update) if Pro is to be installed on a second computer later?


I have a question. I currently have "Cubase LE AI Elements 11" on my desktop computer. No Cubase on my laptop yet.

If I update Cubase to "Cubase Pro 11", can I later load the Pro version on another device (laptop) as normal? Because the Steinberg Download Assistant has "Cubase Pro 11" and "Cubase Pro 11 Update" to choose from. So far I have Elements 11, and only on the desktop computer, but later want to have the Pro version on desktop computers "and" laptop, but don't pay for it twice?

So what should I choose in the Steinberg Download Assistant?

Thank you for the answers. But please only answer if you are really sure, after all, this is about 500 euro.


With the Pro version you definitely need the USB license stick. The software license is only possible for the LE and Elements version. With this stick you can use any Cubase anywhere in the world (correct version required). Just not at the same time. I'm not entirely sure, but an update from the LE to the Pro is not possible. To be absolutely sure how to proceed, I would call the Steinberg hotline. They are very competent and happy to help.