Does the Windows language affect my antivirus program?


I bought the laptop abroad and would like to set an antivirus program in German. Does it do its job just as well with an English operating system or does it not work? To put it confusedly, you think you understand what I mean. Does an antivirus program set in German work or does it find viruses on a Windows installed in English that wars.


Yes, but only if you visit the website to download it in German.


No, the language does not affect the way anti-virus programs work.

The language setting, regardless of whether it is an antivirus program or operating system, only changes the text that is displayed on the user interface.

It doesn't matter whether your operating system is German and your antivirus program is English or Turkish or Swahili.
Both always work in the same way.


You can do it. The language has no influence. 😉


The operating system is always "international" and your virus program will also work great. If you want, you can select your country under system settings in Local. It doesn't make a difference, but you'll be extra reassured. The laptop doesn't care where you bought it, and neither does your virus program. Viruses are not named linguistically, but they are recognized by their function and usually they are named after something where there's no word in every language. So sit back and let your software do the work


No, the antivirus recognizes it by its functions and not its language. The name of the pest is only important if you search independently, the software does not care