Japanese is only available as display language Win10?


I would like to add Japanese to my laptop as INPUT LANGUAGE. If I select Japanese in Settings → Language → Add language then it only comes as the display language and as soon as I try to write there's a corresponding error message that the required dictionary is not installed. Unfortunately, I didn't find out on the Internet how to manually install this, except for one option, but you need Cortana, which unfortunately doesn't because Windows meant the student pack to delete Cortana completely.

Does anyone happen to know how to install the missing files?


Then you probably need a Japanese win.

Your German code is still valid. Otherwise call and complain to Microsoft. Your code is valid.


I did it! With PowerShell as administrator just insert this: DISM.exe / Online / Add-Capability / CapabilityName: Language.Basic ~~~ ja-JP ~

and enter! It then downloads the file and now I have the keyboard! I feel like hackerman! あ り が と う


I didn't see any other solution