What is this with a notebook charger?


Because of a wrongly delivered cable in China, I have to tinker something.

I cut the connector from the charger from the old charger.

I now want to connect this piece to the newly purchased charging cable.

I'm just not sure where to cut with the new charging cable.

This black knob on the new charging cable makes me unsure.

What is he there for, what is happening there?


The knob is intended for shielding reasons on the part of the connection, but basically it works without it, it should only be a metal pipe if I'm not mistaken


You mean the thick black knob just before the plug for the laptop? This is a ferrite core for interference suppression…


You have removed the 220V part and want to "tinker" something?

So I wouldn't fiddle around with a power supply. Especially not on the 220V side. If in doubt, you burn down the booth or give yourself a blow.

Power supplies are so cheap, just buy one and be good.

I'm a big fan of DIY, but with 220V the fun would be long gone for me.


Also because of the cable length, I would not cut off the choke or noise filter.

It shouldn't be two times. The supply line consists of 2 wires and the connector can also be purchased in the electronics market.

Make absolutely sure that the polarity is correct.


He doesn't even want to tinker with the 230V side. He wants to exchange the barrel connector or the cable with the barrel connector… The 230V cable is detachable and therefore probably not in the picture… 😉


Mh, yeah okay.

I still have my doubts about power supplies.

What do they cost? 10-20 euro?


Of course not optimal. But I have had to mend our power supply units so often because our cat liked them very much at a young age, that they only consisted of soldered points and shrink tubing, until at some point I completely swapped the cables between the plug and the power supply unit. There was nothing left. One laptop is now 10 years old and still works with it… 😁

And in that case there's a new power supply unit, which has the wrong plug… Should be the right one. I would also not like to order 2 power supplies because the wrong one was delivered across the pond… And exchange them for them? Next time you might spend a little more directly in the electronics store and buy a universal with suitable adapter plugs. If you save at the wrong end, you pay twice or have to do handicrafts… 😂


That is a ferrite core that has to stay tuned. This serves to suppress the interference.


So now I have white and black at both ends of the cable. Then once red and on the other side blue.

What to do?


Measure where plus or minus is and measure which core is in the middle and which ring. Then connect accordingly…