Booting up the laptop without opening it?


I use my laptop on an external monitor. Since you actually open it to use it, the POWER button is located there. So I can't start it up without opening the laptop, which is pretty annoying because it's closed on the shelf and I always have to take it out first. Is there any solution how I can boot the laptop without opening it up?


There are such docks, you can put it in there, then connect it to the monitor with a cable (dock) and then you can press the button on the dock to turn it on.

Booting up the laptop without opening it

I wouldn't do that - operate a closed laptop! Thermal problems can easily arise, which in the best case scenario reduces computer performance or shuts down the laptop. I don't want to imagine the worst case scenario for you.


Normally there's a setting in the BIOS.
Wakeup or PowerOn… With… Keyboard, mouse, LAN etc.


Does this feature also exist on the Acer Aspire? Didn't find it in the BIOS