Did my parents suddenly have to check?

- in Gaming

I'm 17 years old, soon 18 and there have never been any big problems between my parents and me.

I was always grateful for everything and expressed it very often by giving them flowers (my mom loves flowers) or something else unexpectedly.

They have been completely different for a week.

They suddenly restrict me completely. For example, yesterday you saw that I was still playing at 1:30 a.m. And went completely nuts (my father even threatened to beat me, which is not his style at all). They said to me that I'm completely crazy and it is my fault that my friends are still awake at this time and I'm the reason why we have to pay so much electricity even though I'm max. I'm on the laptop 7 hours a day, learning and playing, and with whom the TV starts at 7 in the morning! (My parents are both early retirees from cancer 12 years ago, so we don't have much money). Then I was threatened to take my laptop because I'm not normal and do not go to bed when they leave (11 p.m.). So far I have accepted that. After all, it was 1:30 and therefore relatively late for her.

Then they arrived suddenly this morning that I was only allowed to use the laptop until midnight and then had to get away from everything technical (I even had my cell phone collected), since I was just attached to it and didn't do anything for school anymore ( I have been doing at least 6 hours a day for school since Monday, what they even see, but that doesn't count for them. I'm also a good student (11th grade high school).

The cracker came before my cell phone was collected. I was used to my mother listening at my door until I was 16 to see if I was still on my cell phone or laptop. She didn't do it for 2 years, which was also the effect of my psychologist (had an eating disorder, depression, and social phobia at the age of 15-17, which is now almost completely gone). Now she was standing at my door 15 minutes today to listen to what I was doing. That easily happened 3 times within an hour and that was only to put myself down that I'm so dependent and I never manage to go to work on my own because I go to bed late and don't get up early. They want me to be the way she is, which my psychologist said is not normal for a teenager (getting up at 7 a.m. And 11 p.m. Going to bed)

Now I can only stay outside until 0 a.m. When Corona is over and until I'm 18 (November). Two weeks ago they didn't care, as long as I let them know that I'm home! You have to know that I'm extremely reliable, I always write to you where I'm, with whom, when I come, etc. You can even find me on my cell phone.

Why do they suddenly restrict me like this? You also don't want to see or say anything.


Young people should also go to bed at 1 a.m.


Yes, I see exactly the same, the hormones are no different and so called


As I read all of this through, they'll most likely throw you out at 18 when you're 18


Why should they


You can see how they freak out now


Hold on until November and then move out. You no longer need to start with the youth welfare office.


Nerves are bare, they worry about you, may have read or been told something bad, want your best that you can't see yet, probably have more of their own concerns about the future in this present, because of their experience they behave with you, … Apart from that, set up reasonable, realistic and even lax rules AND you are a teenager - all normal!


It's not that easy when you have little money and you first have to work hard to be able to afford a small apartment these days.

For example, I can only get my driver's license after I graduate from high school because they think it is too much stress for me (which I personally don't see). Also, I'm not allowed to have my own opinion. If I have learned or researched something different at school, it immediately comes that I'm selfish and I want to sell her as stupid, because I know everything better…


No idea!

I'm already over 40, but I probably would have taken my laptop and would have gone! Who knows where. To the grandma or the stocking aunt just to prove: I don't need that! And I don't have to put up with that either!

The generation conflict apparently knows no generation…


You can do it if you want to. Look for an apprenticeship or study with BAFöG and move out, that's what I did at the time. And your parents want to pay you your bill? For me that would be a luxury.


Yes, I sometimes feel it as normal, just wondering why the change suddenly comes. Nothing has happened that indicates such extreme reactions. In addition, they don't want to see that it is normal as a teenager to go out with friends, stay away longer, be willful and so many typical things.

Just because they didn't do it back then and my siblings never left.


Yes I have before!

They don't want to, I have to pay from my own money, but I can't know what I have in my account and I can't have a driver's license, because in their opinion I'm not up to the stress and can't deal with this.


I would sometimes do it if I had someone living nearby!

furthermore I don't really want to have conflicts with my parents. Isn't pleasant and bumps into a bare cold wall when I try to talk to them and tell them how I feel about it.


Then don't get fooled until you're 18 and then make sure you get out quickly. If it is no longer viable for you, you can of course still report to the youth welfare office.


Yes, that's definitely my goal by November. It's just not so nice to know that my parents don't trust me to move out anyway, because I can't do anything and only manage to move out when I'm 29


I've already done everything. The only problem here is that I've wanted to be a pilot for as long as I can remember. The training is extremely expensive and relatively unsafe. I get training allowance as far as I don't know. BAFöG should actually go.

I definitely don't want to study anything. I'm not smart enough for that, and I'm not motivated. Doesn't want to do anything unhappy that I don't like so that I gave away years later.


At that time there was another time - without so many sex drive offenders and other misguided ones, without Darknet, sadesofgrey and CiS on TV, foreign internet and other pseudo acquaintances, mega supply of alcohol, the radius of going out was clearer, etc. Please understand and get started thank you for your attempts at caring


As in my text above, I'm really grateful that you have supported me with many things. I can understand that about the dangers. However, it was the same in the past, only that cybercrime was gone.

I also understand that they don't want anything to happen to me on the Internet. However, in my opinion, this is no reason to threaten me while you see what I'm doing and I offer you complete transparency by being able to locate me, I always write to you what I do, where I'm, with whom, for how long etc.


Since they "swung" only seven days ago, you can probably blame the whole thing on the corona disaster. Maybe your parents just want to protect you.

In addition, they don't want to see that it is normal as a teenager to go out with friends, stay away longer, be willful and so many typical things.

But not right now. And since there are a lot of teenagers who want to party the crisis, we owe them the exit restrictions.

Now I can only stay outside until midnight,

What for? You can't meet friends at all now. Not at all. Is it that hard to understand? You should stay at home or go ALONE for my own sake without friends.

I can well imagine that your parents just want to stop you from getting sick. And infect others. Perhaps they fear that you are one of the teenagers who still meet for fun and want to prevent you from doing so.


Don't you understand it or don't you want to understand it. It's not about who you're meeting. You're not even meeting the Dalai Lhama right now. With nobody. Hi there? We live in the Corona period. And as long as you are so indifferent, naive and reckless, I can understand your parents.


Not necessarily to bed. But not out, let alone friends or grandma. It's now time to stay at home. Is it really that hard to grasp?