Power consumption?


I cut off about 1/3 of the consumers in the household for 6 months because it was superfluous. Consumption period is 12 months so 50%.

The following were disconnected:

1 TV

1 pc

2 clock radios

1 cell phone

1 laptop

1 ipad

1 PC monitor

1 switch

1 phone

5 lamps (room disconnected from electricity)

In addition to the kitchen, around 50% of consumers

New consumers have not been added, but consumption has increased by 222KWh per person.

Am I being tapped?


Or e.g. Your fridge / freezer has a defect and uses more energy.

These are often the silent energy guzzlers you don't notice! Get an energy cost meter


But that has to get stuck in a refrigerator for at least a week.


You have to unplug all, really all devices during the day. Freezer too, 10 minutes are no problem. And when the wheel in your electricity meter turns, you will be tapped.


We're talking about ~ 1,000KWh more consumption, I have such a device. I would exclude the fridge.


The devices you listed do not all fall into the category "large electricity consumers"; depending on age and model, maybe lamps and televisions. What about the dishwasher? Washing machine and dryer? Instantaneous water heater? Fridge and freezer? An old heater? Stove?


Not in my experience!

But I've only been in electricity for 45 years…


Hot water gas

On large appliances there are only dryer A ++ (2 * per week), stove, basin, washing machine A ++ (twice per week) and refrigerator A ++.

Otherwise, only the devices mentioned 2 * disconnected once.

For 9 months single household

Consumption 3,500kwh for 1.5 people on 70m²


But 1,000kwh?


I have already experienced freezers with a defective compressor that have made 4000 kWh a year!


What else could be considered?


Now check again what is connected and how long and often this / these devices are running.

You can test it roughly by unscrewing all the fuses or removing the main switch. And then look at your counter to see if it is still rotating.

I suspect: You watch TV longer, the refrigerator runs longer, sits longer in front of your PC / laptop or has used up more before you have taken out the devices listed.

But it still makes sense to look at the wiring on the meter. Unauthorized cable should always be noticed.

Make the effort to note the meter reading daily and at the same time. Then you can quickly compare the consumption and the devices used. Could help further before unjustified suspicions are raised.


ShimaG listed the usual suspects!

You can also switch off various fuses on the distribution and observe the measurement when it shows significantly less consumption. Then you are on the way to the goal…


Just check with the consumption meter what all these devices consume in standby.

I somehow think the thought that someone has tapped you is unlikely.


I don't have access to the counter


I have no access to the counter

and only one refrigerator that now hangs on the direct meter 426.9 at the beginning


How much kwh do you have?


No idea. I think it's okay compared to other similar households.


I'm 5 times the cut…


The meters are usually in the basement of the apartment building. Everywhere I lived it was like that. If you live in a private house, it can of course be different. Ask the landlord and try to get there. Otherwise you have a problem, because then all other advice is of no use.


Locked closed
When I go to the basement, the police are here 30 minutes later because I should have hurt someone or
I got beaten up and 2 follows…


Then you really have a problem. Go to the police and look for help there. You don't have to file a complaint.


The final consequence: looking for a new apartment


If you knew


It's just an estimate and not a measurement. For this purpose, all consumers must either be switched off or recorded using measuring technology over a certain period of time. Only then can the difference be calculated and there will still be tolerances.


Sund 416.9 I just forgot the plug -.- now the fridge can power because it was 4 hours off and I read the 12 hours off to read.

as the cause, he would have consumed far more than 1.2 kWh by then


Leave the plug on for several days, only then will you have reasonable values for a refrigerator.