I install grad fortnite on my laptop and wanted to ask how do I do it faster.
Press ALT + F4 on the laptop…
If you're connected via Wi-Fi try connecting your laptop to Lan. Otherwise, only a better line helps to buy
Haha that will help xd
I'm sure about that.
This suddenly becomes so fast that the window goes to instant.
How does it work?
Haha very funny that everyone knows (fool)
LAN cable?
You need a LAN cable first. If you do not know how that looks, google just lan cable. Then you would have to. Your laptop be a connection for the LAN cable. Above the port is maybe a triangle with three computers. The one end plug into your laptop, the other end in a switch (ne switch is a kind of multi-socket for LAN cable) or in your router if this is your near
Watch out. Next, he buys NEN usb adapter for the nintendo switch!
Haha 😂
Keep your mouth shut