Backlight bleeding - do you just have to live with it now?

- in HP

Two months ago I ordered an HP Pavilion laptop, which I had to exchange twice because it gave me black bars in several open programs (and only something like Word, browser, etc.). The third notebook that I received had light spots on the edges of the screen when it started up, which is why I completely withdrew from the sales contract for this model and ordered an Acer Apsire. You don't believe it, I unpack the 4th device and this one has light spots too. Now I have called the cheaper notebook and they have told me that backlight bleeding, as it is called, is unfortunately completely normal and can't be avoided. On the Internet, however, you can find all kinds of opinions about it, many agree, others say they would not be satisfied with it. I'm not sure whether I should keep one of the two devices or rather go to Saturn tomorrow morning and hope to get a flawless device there. Do you have an opinion? I'm attaching two pictures on which you can see the backlight bleeding of both devices, they are both priced at around 800 euro

Backlight bleeding - do you just have to live with it now Backlight bleeding - do you just have to live with it now - 1

Oh, I've never seen it so violent. Not even with laptops from the 90s that still had very bad LCD panels.

With some simpler LCD panels, you have to live with the fact that, depending on the viewing angle, parts of the screen are too bright or too dark over a large area, but not that you can see exactly where the LEDs are.

We use HP Elitebook notebooks at work. You don't see any backlight bleeding there. I think for 800 euro you can expect that it will at least not be as flashy as in your pictures.


Of course, I took pictures in a dark room and turned up the brightness, but I noticed it when both devices were started up for the first time. I also think that this is not possible, but most actually say that you have to live with that. So you disagree?


Yes, as I said, I haven't had a monitor where you can see exactly the LEDs for the backlight. If you thought away the top two cm in your pictures, so that just half the screen is brighter than the other half, depending on the viewing angle, then this is in an area where I would say "yes, you have to live with". This is usually less noticeable when you sit in the middle of the screen.

I was looking for notebooks on the fly. I found one from HP here, which is also around 800 euro and has an IPS display. This is the same technology that e.g. It is also installed in iPhones. So the picture quality should be good.