Used laptop from Amazon Warehouse. Are there any problems to be expected?


Only remark "without user manual" and "original packaging damaged"

Condition "used, very good" and not "like new".

Do I assume everything is in very good condition? (especially the screen)

I'm afraid it's a laptop that has been returned many times due to likely screen bleeding (which is not called Mangal, but is an annoying problem).

I think so because a lot of the reviews write that they sent the thing back because of screen bleeding.

New it costs 1000 euro (currently not available)

the offer above 865 euro.

Does anyone have any info / experience?

What do you all mean?




In your opinion, is it worth getting this thing because of the 135 euro difference?

If I have any problems, I'll give it back anyway.

Only the money is refunded as credit and I have to use it to shop at Amazon again


So I recently brought a laptop and ordered it from Amazon Warehouse and I'm satisfied.

I think you can't do much wrong. You can ask if you can send the laptop back if you don't like it.


The offer is gone…


Do yourself a favor and don't buy an NB / PC from Amazon. There are many websites for refurbished notebooks with a 12 month warranty, you just have to search for something. For example this provider:

(don't forget to always pay online with PayPal, except for


I have a 300 euro Amazon gift card


Then good luck!


Experience: I would never buy used digital technology / electronics, whoever else can turn something on for you, something can always be defective, which may only be noticed after a few weeks. The parts are so small that they break quickly (I mean the hardware)

Info: What kind of laptop do you want to buy? From Apple? If so, ask yourself whether this is absolutely necessary or whether someone else is not entirely sufficient.


I want to buy the cheap gaming laptop (or rather test it… If I like it)


Especially with a gaming laptop, I would prefer to buy new goods so that you are not disappointed when the games jerk or something similar. Pixel defects are also a good reason for sellers to offer it to an unsuspecting buyer


If there's a pixel error, I will give it back to him directly.

Stuttering when playing games is due to the performance, not the condition… The laptop only came out 8 months ago.

I will possibly use the offer of the used one to test the laptop… If I like it but has defects, I just give it back and wait until new ones are available


For private purchases, I mean, sellers are not obliged to refund the device