Application error (HP laptop)?

- in HP

Today I got this message when trying to open an odt file. Could someone explain to me and suggest solutions? Thanks in advance!

Application error HP laptop

Sometimes the laptop only showed my background image and a blue screen for a few seconds. He hadn't reacted to anything. Tried a restart. Does not change anything.


This can be anything from faulty memory to faulty hard disk or faulty file, unfortunately, including any troublemakers in the system.

does that happen with every file, does the program at least run that way?

ever tried to copy files?


I found a file with the same content in my email somewhere and then tried to change it on another program (application). Unfortunately the sudden message came there and closed everything. I don't know how many attempts I've had 😅


But with other files you have no problem? Then the file is probably defective. But I generally guess a memory error if it also occurs with other files.


What can you do now? Can I somehow find out where the error is exactly


Apart from rebuilding the operating system and checking whether it was due to malware, you can't really do anything. But then make a backup if it is important, after all you have quite a few settings etc. On the system. Try the file on another computer, if the same error occurs, it is not your device.