Program buttons without text (hp printer)?

- in HP

As you can see in the picture, I have a problem with my HP printer program. The buttons are all without text.

The program that you see there comes from the installation program. The program I want to install was already on this laptop before and also worked a time without problems. But since exactly the same error (buttons without text) occurred at once in the program, I wanted to reinstall it. Just to notice that after the first installation attempt, the same problem also occurs in the installation program.

I have already restarted the PC and deleted the installer and unzipped it. The error remains unfortunately.

Program buttons without text hp printer

Uninstall it.

Go to the HP page and download the appropriate software for your system again.

Install it under another directory…

For example Instead of what is given, say you want to save it under HP stuff.

Then it should work, mostly the CD stuff is not up to date and usually you should always load something from the manufacturer directly.