Canon MX925 printer can't be connected?


I have a printer (Canon MX925).

I have a laptop (11 years old), and a new desktop (1 month old.)

The laptop is connected to WLAN - the desktop to LAN (but can also be connected to WLAN via a stick).

Today I had to replace the modem (faulty). So I wired the new modem again, and then changed the new network key (code) in the printer and also in the laptop. Everything OK.

Then started the laptop, searched for a printer, and bang, found it, installed it. Test page was printed.


The printer has never been installed on the new desktop.

So let the printer search for the printer on the desktop via the network, found it, installed the driver, but it can't print, keeps showing errors.

I then unplugged the network cable, plugged in the WLAN stick, had it searched, great, it found it and set it up just like on the laptop.

It says: Printer location: http://192.168......:80/wsd/pnpx-metadata.cgi

Connection name: WSD-d2760b03-0de9-…

And the best comes at the end:

I connected the printer via USB, installed drivers, it is looking for the printer, but it can't find it. The USB socket works, however - checked!

Anyone here has any idea, thanks for your help?

For me it is already a mystery, the laptop has zack printed it, and the desktop can't even find the printer via USB?


Download and install the driver software from the manufacturer and then see if it is found.