RAM on HP notebook is idle to 90% - is that normal?

- in HP

We got an HP notebook from a friend of our family today because he had no use for it himself and we took it before throwing it away.

CPU: 2 Ghz


Win: Windoof 7 Professional (64 bit)

HDD: 150 GB

What I don't understand about it is this: At the beginning the thing worked totally normal and suddenly the box slowed down until the Windows games didn't even work anymore! Not to mention the office and he never opened the internet because the RAM was suddenly 90% and more busy while idling!

Also restart does nothing! Because as soon as the part is booted up, the RAM utilization increases again to 90% and the notebook reacts to almost nothing!

So with the best will in the world, I can't imagine that this is still normal!

In short: How do I get this junk box to work again that it can at least be used for office and surfing?

Because in this condition he is just a chunky paperweight: -D


First start the program MSCONFIG using the Windows key + R. There go to the tab for the autostart and deactivate all programs / services that are not absolutely necessary. Boot the box and see if the RAM usage is in the green area afterwards.

Otherwise have it listed in the Task Manager under the Processes tab, depending on the memory requirement, if there are any unnecessary programs (i.e. No typical Windows services) that are not needed. Sometimes. Disable the services or uninstall the software using the Control Panel.

Otherwise, 3 GB is not much for a Win7 notebook. Especially not if the graphics card does not have a dedicated video memory and reserves 1 GB or more using shared memory. Then the Windows processes, then you are probably fast with 60-70% utilization.

If there are still RAM slots free (there's an easy-to-open maintenance flap on the underside of most notebooks), Windows 7 is also happy about 6 to 8 GB upgrade. You will notice the difference clearly.


First of all, thank you for your answer. Second, I have now gone the radical way and have reinstalled Windoof 7 and lo and behold: Now the box is running normally and briskly!