What are the things you like / like to do that others look at you funny for?


I would be interested to know if there are things that you like / like to do, for which others have little understanding and / or look at you strangely.

I'm a K-Pop fan (for this fact alone I'm often looked at as weird or even turned on stupidly) and I love to write top 100 playlists. Perhaps not weird in and of itself, but I don't create them on Spotify or Samsung Music, I write them in a notebook. First I write down 100 songs randomly to a category & then write them in a ranking of 100 to 1. I've already filled up almost 2 notebooks.

I also have a stan book in which I write the profiles and information about members & groups whose fandoms I want to join and I have now set up a K-Pop folder on my laptop, in which I can e.g. Want to arrange boy and girl groups chronologically.

It's just a lot of fun for me and, like K-Pop itself, it gives me great pleasure.

I also have a notebook in which I write down solutions from K-Pop Game Videos that I watch on YouTube.

Of course I also write fanfiction and role-playing games, but that's not so uncommon now, most of the fans I've met in recent years do that.

Before K-Pop, I always made lists of the books / DVDs / CDs that I have and which I'm still missing or which I would still like to have. All handwritten on blocks or notebooks.

Are there things about you that others think are weird?


Extra late tasks, no joke. Extra attachments. I love to write profiles about all kinds of people, such as teachers. I like to watch films or series and write down sentences and dialogues from them, and at school I do it with bullet points… I really enjoy writing my book. Appropo books, there I underline sentences or words. I read books like:
Anne Frank, Spielball Erde and watch programs like:
Asked, hunted


Master of everyday life.

And that seems strange to many, since I'm 12.

And I love logic games!
Hope could help you!


Wow cool!

The only thing I don't like so much is to mark sentences in books xD It hurts me to make notes in pencil in school readings. Books are sacred to me ^^


Me too, but THAT makes it my personal sanctuary.


That's right again ^^ from the perspective I haven't even looked at it ^^


"Reading gives you wings." ;) I think the saying fits me very well. = D As for school readings, we had to read a book called Holes this year, Nightmare… Kotz!


So now we read works by Schiller, Goethe etc.

So far this year we have read Maria Stuart, Faust 1 and The Sandman


The Sandman?


By E.T.A Hoffmann, part of the reading for the upper level, is relatively short with just under 50 pages, but actually very interesting


Ah okay. Do you like to write as much as I do? So stories?


Yes, but I mostly write fanfictions.

I rarely write real stories that could be sent to a publisher, as I very often have clichéd teen romances ideas and nothing that has really quality content for a good book.


Ah, my book is about a very special friendship, which not only has to do with the emails from which the book is directed. I won 't tell you more.


I'm currently writing a fan fiction about one of my favorite boy groups and the idea is based on the Meteor Garden series.


Sounds good. = D


Well, that's just pure cliché, what every second teenage girl dreams of xD


= D


My friends think it's funny that I read a lot voluntarily


Yes, I know most of xD, especially predominantly the boys (you can tell by how bad they can read when they have to read something in class) in my year have never seen the inside of a book apart from the math book, while my books are already in the glass case because my shelf is overflowing


Finally someone who loves reading as much as I do xD. What is your favorite book / book series if I may ask?


I'm a passionate Phillatelist, so I also collect stamps, and I also like to read and collect various special rocks and minerals, but most people can't understand that 😅


I love reading so much too.


Uff there's a lot

At the moment I think it's the Love NXT series by Anne Pätzold, but there's only Volume 1 (I love him) - Volume 2 will be out in 19 days.

My all time favorites also include ES by Stephen King, Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout & Your Name by Makoto Shinkai

I mainly read romance and romantic fantasy.


IT is also one of my favorites, plus Samurai and Eragon


I remember when I said in front of class that reading was one of my biggest hobbies. A couple of guys laughed at me: /


As a child I collected hand soaps and postcards / greeting cards etc xD Funnily enough, my brother's first collection (he is 21 years older than me) was also a hand soap collection.

Meanwhile I collect K-Pop albums and bookmarks xD


They should read something more often, it is really embarrassing when an 18 year old in the 11th or 12th grade is not able to read a sentence without constantly stopping and emphasizing incorrectly


You are right thank you!


Hand soap, sounds interesting too, oh and vin what I also have a large collection are Jägermeister glasses, bottles and everything else that says jägermeister on it.


I hate it when teachers call such students to read, because in the time it takes for a paragraph, I've already read a whole chapter


Ahahahaha I can understand you sooo well 😂😂


I collect pledges, which also open up other nice things, and meticulously keep a list of finds by hand.

Yesterday it looked like this:

Saturday, 8.8.20

50 ct, 18 8, 7 15, 8 25 jars, 1 15 jar, 1st jar 25 …

5x 70 gr. IndoMie 5-pack instant noodles best before 1.21

125 gr. 15 pcs. Storck Toffifee "9.20

Giggle: on Friday 11 Augustiner lager in a crate opened up in a bush - my mouth fell open before I started planning the logistics to get it away, because I was cycling.

And weekly billing is done on Sundays: monetary value over 25 euro this time.

Another time I reached right, there was costume jewelry at my search root and I noticed a very shiny golden finger ring, I took it with me and the jeweler's statement was: 50 - 60 euro.

A strangely decorated piece of gold came across to me and was suspiciously heavy for me: 80 euro - real gold, lG.


Well, I'm a wrestling fan, when most people hear that they always say something like: This is all fake anyway.

I have a fanpage for a wrestler and a second Insta account where I just post random wrestling stuff.

I also often write fantasy scripts for shows. Sometimes I also write scripts like this, which then last for a year, or sometimes even longer.

I also get funny looks when I say I stay up all night to see a 6 hour wrestling show.