Laptop charging cable no longer works properly


Hey how does my laptop charging cable not work my laptop is running on the charging cable but my battery has 0% so my battery is no longer charging but my laptop cable is still running on the charging cable. I let it charge since yesterday, but it still has 0%. I also switched off the laptop, took out the battery and put it back in, but nothing happens. Can you help me?


Then the battery / accumulator is broken


Battery defective, occurs frequently. Have it exchanged under warranty. Otherwise buy a new battery.


The 0% shows you your Windows? It is possible that your battery does not support reading the charge level. It is also possible that your Windows is crazy there - my Schleppi has e.g. A remaining useful life of -01: 00 … That means, if I pulled the plug out, the computer would have gone off an hour ago. This is of course nonsense! Does it work? So when you unplug your power adapter, does the computer stay on or does it turn off?