I use Linux Mate on my notebook and I do not have sound through speakers or sound output. Previously, Windows 10 was installed and the sound worked.
In the sound settings we have the device "Atom / Celeron / Pentium Processor x5 … Series PCI Comfiguration Registers" displayed, but as "Daktiviert". This is not activatable.
In the "Output" tab, I see "Dummy output".
(The notebook is not muted and the volume is set to 100%)
Does anyone know anything and can help me?
Have you already installed the packages alsa and pulseaudio?
I use Linux Mate on my notebook
No, do not do that!
You are using a GNU / Linux distribution and the Mate desktop!
Does anyone know anything and can help me?
Please show what is being output here:
lsb_release -d
uname -r
cat / proc / asound / cards
aplay -l
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav
lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 audio
ps -C pulseaudio
grep "^ audio" / etc / group | grep "$ USER"
lsmod | grep "snd"
codecdir = "$ (ls -lh1 / proc / asound / card0 | grep codec | tr -s" "| cut -d '' -f9)" # writes the directory of the codec to a variable
codecfile = "$ (ls -l / proc / asound / card0 / $ codecdir | head -2 | tail -1 | tr -s '' | cut -d '' -f9)" # writes the filename of the codec to a variable
head -n $ 3 codecfile
journalctl -b | grep egg 'sound | alsa | pulse'
lsmod | grep snd | head -3 | tail -1 | tr -s '' | cut -d '' -f1
We probably do not need everything, but the more information, the better.
Linux Hase
0 [Audio]: HdmiLpeAudio - Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio
Intel HDMI / DP LPE audio
1 [bytchtes8316]: bytcht-es8316 - bytcht-es8316
intel intel In_S001-intel
Card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio], Device 0: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio]
Sub-devices: 1/1
Sub-device # 0: subdevice # 0
Card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio], Unit 1: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio]
Sub-devices: 1/1
Sub-device # 0: subdevice # 0
Card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio], Unit 2: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio]
Sub-devices: 1/1
Sub-device # 0: subdevice # 0
Card 1: bytchtes8316 [bytcht-es8316], Device 0: Audio (*) []
Sub-devices: 1/1
Sub-device # 0: subdevice # 0
Card 1: bytchtes8316 [bytcht-es8316], Device 1: Deep-Buffer Audio (*) []
Sub-devices: 1/1
Sub-device # 0: subdevice # 0
Playback: WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav': Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate: 48000 Hz, mono
It's a pity that you did not put the shell's output in code tags as I did, to preserve formatting and readability.
With you it is:
cat / proc / asound / cards
0 [Audio]: HdmiLpeAudio - Intel HDMI / DP LPE Audio
Intel HDMI / DP LPE audio
1 [bytchtes8316]: bytcht-es8316 - bytcht-es8316
intel intel In_S001-intel
It is important that the command belonging to the output is included!
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav
Playback: WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav': Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate: 48000 Hz, mono
Did you hear something or did you get an error message, if yes, which one?
If I see that correctly, these are not all the commands but only the first six you have done. Please deliver the rest too.
ps -C pulseaudio
grep "^ audio" / etc / group | grep "$ USER"
lsmod | grep "snd"
codecdir = "$ (ls -lh1 / proc / asound / card0 | grep codec | tr -s" "| cut -d '' -f9)"
codecfile = "$ (ls -l / proc / asound / card0 / $ codecdir | head -2 | tail -1 | tr -s '' | cut -d '' -f9)"
to fill the variables ($ codecdir & $ codecfile). And then that:
head -n $ 3 codecfile
to output the contents of the variable.
journalctl -b | grep egg 'sound | alsa | pulse'
lsmod | grep snd | head -3 | tail -1 | tr -s '' | cut -d '' -f1