On my new gamer laptop with RTX 2080 Super, after around 1 hour of Total War Warhammer II on recommended settings (Ultra), I noticed that the case is hot under the screen at the front. Do I still have to worry about the laptop overheating with the recommended settings?
I always use a rectangular wooden plate under the laptop, which does not store heat.
With the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 I want to play on the highest possible settings and it would be a shame if I had to turn it down or take breaks because of the heat.
Just take a look at the temperatures, it may well be that he is overheating.
But nothing can break.
With tools or how do I look at the temperatures? Can't something break at a certain temperature?
Nope, nothing can break, download HWMonitor.
I found out that in the OMEN Command Center you can easily see the current temperatures of the GPU CPU and I think it was RAM. Although the case of the laptop feels very hot, the maximum temperatures were 60 degrees. I hope Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't get the card too hot for me.