Laptop sent in - how long to wait?


My laptop did not work anymore and as my laptop still has warranty, sent it to Trekstor. Now I'm waiting for 1 month and nothing moves. My laptop has been in their workshop for 4 weeks and nothing happens. I have not even received a diagnosis. I phoned there a week ago, but there I was just put off, there's a lot of work going on right now and I have to be patient, but how long do I have to wait? Do I have any rights?


Unfortunately, nothing can be said about the rights, but it can take some time. Especially with cheaper devices there are often warranty claims and these must all be processed. Since I do not assume that Trekstor has large capacities, as far as that is concerned, one can count on a long wait. A serious seller equips a customer but at least with a Erstzgerät. I would give the support the opinion times (still friendly! These employees can't help it!). Where did you buy it, if Amazon miserably there, they are always very accommodating!


Trekstor or in professional circles also called Dreckstor.
Purely legally, you have to give the manufacturer a reasonable amount of time to check and repair the device. It's not exactly regulated by law how long they can take time, but you can just send a letter with a 14-day deadline.
For life you can take with you: If you buy cheap, buy twice.


Is it a warranty repair, or do you still have warranty on the laptop, how long have you been?


I have the laptop for exactly one year now. It is a warranty guarantee.


If it goes over the manufacturer's warranty that is difficult with the deadline, the manufacturer's warranty is a voluntary performance of the manufacturer and sets as the rules, there's no legal regulations.


Then it is difficult because the manufacturer's warranty is a voluntary benefit and there's no legal regulations, the manufacturer sets the rules itself, because you can hardly do anything if the long need for repair