Is it a bug from YouTube or my laptop?


On the laptop in the browser on a website called YouTube I watched uploaded videos. I thought I could leave a comment on one of his videos and only one (without a system error or so) as well as almost always. However, I wrote a double comment and it was unintentional. In my memory, I can't recall that I have left 2 same comment and Altisheimer I have not since it happened about 5 to 10 minutes ago. Each comment has up times when they were sent out. The top comment from me is at the top of the time that was sent before 1 second. That's not quite true, because I have not updated this page yet. The 2 comment that is not mine, has been sent about 4 years ago, then comments are still 2 years ago, 11 months ago, 1 year ago, 6 years ago. And here comes my comment again. The double comment that there's no search has no mistakes. It was sent about 5 minutes ago. I sent a message to myself from my duplicate comment. However, this comment did not appear before but at the official comment.

With this text I wanted to tell you what I want to ask you.

Have you seen any mistakes on YouTube like this?

How can I solve the problem?

Where can I contact the developers?

Is it a mistake from YouTube or me somewhere?


Take a look at the phone or via another browser


Mobile phone in the safe unfortunately.


Duplicate comments are usually "problems" or errors from the server the site owners operate. Youtube like to let you know, but I think such a fine mistake will not matter anymore, especially since it can happen on any website and is not really a programming mistake.

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